Rupert Murdoch And The FBI Have
Illegally Taken Over The BBC Turning It Into A
Political Harassment And Propaganda Outlet In
Violation Of British Law
March 28. 2023
Former FBI Director, James Comey (left), former FBI Director
and racist, Robert
Mueller (center), and former U.S. President, Barack Obama
(right) did some really sick things regarding the BBC,
in conduct that continues to this day under current FBI
Director, Christopher Wray
As stated previously on the site,
News Corp owner, Rupert Murdoch, whom years ago
I filed a formal complaint against
(and Madonna) with the Metropolitan Police, in what
6-months after said filing resulted in the arrests
of dozens of his employees, in what the public now
knows as the phone hacking scandal, has taken over
the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation). The BBC
is a public trust paid for by the British taxpayers
yearly TV license fee. Therefore outside interests
taking it over as though they own it is highly

Racist and corrupt former FBI Director, Robert
S. Mueller, has been keeping a low profile as he's
struggling with cancer and dementia
Murdoch illegally took over by
installing some of his main executives from News
Corp at the BBC, much in the same way he sent them
to Downing Street to control successive British
Prime Ministers' offices (such as News Corp
Andy Coulson, who questionably
muttered at me in London, while I was minding my own
business, and when he did this he was fully aware at
the time that I was the one who initiated the phone
hacking case with the police that later sent him to
prison for a year).

Former FBI Director James Comey did
many questionable illegal during his time at the agency
Most in Britain know that Murdoch
heavily meddles in politics in a very bad way and
the public resents him for it. The British public
have protested and denounced Murdoch for his
criminal conduct (such as in the case of murder teen
Milly Dowler). Prime Ministers have accused him of
blackmailing them. By right, Murdoch should be
locked up in prison and so should several members of
his greedy, thieving, vile family.

Christopher Wray
There's another sick twist to this
story regarding the BBC. The FBI (Federal Bureau of
Investigation) in America, also illegally took over
the BBC and for years have been using it as a
political and propaganda machine, to put out
anything their sick minds can conjure up.

Rupert Murdoch
BBC employees have kept silent about
the fact FBI agents swarmed the network and have
repeatedly sent them highly questionable, illegal,
and sometimes sick orders of what to air on
television and write on their websites. Many of the
items sent to the BBC by the FBI were completely
illegal and unlawfully procured. The FBI has been
severely violating British and American law via this
conduct, as they have no jurisdiction or mandate to
operate in the United Kingdom, especially in this
criminal manner. The full truth is going to come out
about this matter, with evidence, and be confirmed
at a later date.
The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
Former FBI
Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive
Orders From George Bush And Barack Obama To
Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For
Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous
Human Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People
Former FBI
Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey
Criminally Defrauded Florida Submarine Company
Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed
Martin Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty
Racist Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony
Joshua, Daniel Kaluuya)
Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government
Documents Showing The CIA And FBI Are Spying On
People In Their Homes Via Hacking Smart TVs And
Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating System
Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims
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