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Robert Mueller Indictment Of Roger Stone Has No Evidence Of Russian Collusion

January 30. 2019

Robert S. Mueller

The U.S. Department of Justice permitted corrupt, white supremacist, slave trader and thief, Robert S. Mueller, to investigate “Russian collusion” regarding the 2016 presidential election, where Republican, Donald Trump, defeated rival Democrat, Hillary Clinton.

When Clinton realized she was in danger of losing to Trump, a candidate she had rubbished as an underdog who had no chance of winning, she illegally paid spy Christopher David Steele $9,000,000 from campaign funds, to compile an unverified dossier stating the Russian government is in collusion with Trump to aid him in attaining the U.S. presidency.

$9,000,000 is a significant sum of money for a dossier. Something is not right with that figure. There are investigative firms in America, such as Kroll, who charge a tenth of that figure for similar services concerning global politics. Formal questions need to be asked regarding why Clinton violated campaign finance laws in using publicly donated funds in that manner.

Clinton passed the dossier on to the corrupt FBI, whose hardcore Democrats, such as supervising agent, Peter Strzok, quickly opened an investigation and pronounced Trump guilty before it even commenced. It was done in a desperate, last ditch attempt to help Clinton win the presidency. However, it was too late.

Trump’s grassroots campaign and popularity had taken over many U.S. states. Election night, Trump acquired the 273 electoral college votes required to win the election, leaving a shocked and mentally cracked Clinton with no path to the presidency. When Trump won, Clinton had a complete nervous breakdown. She couldn’t even come out to make her concession speech at the standard time. She needed medical treatment. However, it was just desserts for stealing the nomination from Bernie Sanders.

The election was completed. However, the FBI and its former director, Robert Mueller, who became special counsel, were still tasked with investigating the highly publicized claims of “Russian collusion” for which they have no proof.

Mueller, who committed more crimes at the FBI than one of his notorious predecessors, J. Edgar Hoover, a man that had the late civil rights hero, Martin Luther King  murdered in cold blood, used the investigation as a way to control Washington, with the goal of avoiding indictment for the laundry list of serious crimes he committed at the FBI (which will surface in full). Innocent people died because of crimes Mueller committed at the FBI. He also committed very perverse privacy violations that saw him illegally spy on people on their phone lines, computers, email boxes and in their very homes.

The fact of the matter is the establishment in Washington have been unable to control Trump. His “drain the swamp” push has terrified them, as there are criminals at the FBI and in other sectors of government in Washington and Virginia, who like the status quo of corruption.

Last week, Mueller had Trump advisor Roger Stone arrested on charges of lying to Congress, obstruction of an official proceeding and witness intimidation. Once again, no “Russian collusion” which is what the entire investigation is supposed to be centered on.

However, the indictments concerning former Trump employees such as Paul Manafort (who also worked for Hillary Clinton and for far longer via her campaign manager, the child obsessed, devil worshipper John Podesta), Michael Cohen and General Mike Flynn, are for items such as lying to the FBI and tax evasion. None of the indictments have anything to do with “Russian collusion.”

Mueller’s got nothing. Realizing he has nothing, Mueller resorted to his standard dirty tactics from his FBI days, such as threatening the lives, careers and finances of people’s families and friends, in attempting to strong-arm confessions out of them, which is a disgrace to the American justice system. That’s not how you obtain the truth. That’s how you browbeat, bully and threaten people into lying in formal statements to obtain fraudulent convictions. That’s not justice. That’s sick.

The manner in which Stone was arrested was a huge waste of taxpayer money, which Mueller specializes in, having cost the U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars during his time at the FBI, all the way to the present. Mueller had his corrupt cronies at the FBI send over 2-dozen FBI agents in full riot gear, arriving in expensive FBI transportation (boats, armored vehicles, bullet proof cars and helicopters), to arrest a feeble, silver haired 66-year-old man at his Florida home. It looked absolutely crazy. They acted like they were bringing in Bin Laden.

Why did it require that many FBI agents to bring in one old man (Stone). You’re not in the middle of some movie. Though you do have a penchant for letting pedophile movie directors run free and rape little boys for years (The FBI Has Been Covering For Famous Pedophiles In Hollywood For Years Since The Time Of Robert Mueller and 4 More Victims Come Forward Stating Pedophile Movie Director Bryan Singer Raped Them). You’re wasting taxpayer money and looking very foolish and irrational in the process. To make it worse, Stone peacefully surrendered. He states he will fight the charges. There is also talk of Trump pardoning him if need be.

The whole thing has the appearance of trying to take down a president under false pretenses, rather than at the voting booth, where sane, civilized people go. For you to state an investigation is about “Russian collusion” yet all you’ve presented is items such as tax evasion, something hundreds of thousands of Americans have done and it has nothing to do with Russia, makes you look foolish.

James Comey is being slammed all over the press

Previously, I was the first to state the Russian government hacked the DNC and Clinton (12 Russian Military Officers Indicted For Hacking Into DNC And Hillary Clinton Computers (Video)). However, nowhere did I state Trump had them do so. They did that of their own accord trying to discredit Putin's sworn nemesis, Clinton, who ticked him off when she was Secretary of State (Uranium One deals).

If Clinton wasn't so utterly corrupt, the Russian government hackers wouldn't have found anything damaging to leak regarding her behavior (Russian Government Hackers Expose Democrats In Email Hack Leaking Items Revealing Election Rigging And Mocking Bernie Sanders Leading To Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Resignation).

The Russian government has been meddling in the political process in America and Britain (Brexit), much like the CIA does in the rest of the world, which the American people are constantly in the dark about (Bernie Sanders Expresses Concern About The CIA's Illegal International Conduct).

The FBI and CIA need to stop playing victim, as they do the same thing all over the world all the time. It is well chronicled in the international community. Furthermore, election officials have stated Russia did not hack the vote in the 2016 presidential election. Therefore, Trump won.

The charges against Stone for lying to Congress are quite comical, considering both Robert Mueller and his successor James Comey have lied in Congress and were caught red-handed doing so (CBS News Confirms That FBI Director Robert Mueller Lied To Congress and Fired Former FBI Employees James Comey And Andrew McCabe Brag About Taking Notes During Donald Trump Interviews). As did Democrat James Clapper (James Clapper Apologizes To Congress For Lying Under Oath About The NSA Spying Scandal (Prism)).

Mueller and Comey have also engaged in obstruction of justice, conspiracy, collusion, conversion, criminal copyright infringement, criminal patent infringement, fraud, wire fraud, trade secret theft and bribery (Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It).

Mueller even committed crimes against humanity in the torture program he designed at the FBI in criminal violation of international law (Report: The FBI Has Been Beating, Torturing And Threatening To Kill American Citizens If They Will Not Become Snitches (Informants)).

Mueller also advocates killing Americans which is unlawful (FBI Director Robert S. Mueller Alarms People By Stating It Is Okay To Kill Americans and aided the CIA's torture programs (British Government To Release CIA FOIA Documents and Torture At Guantanamo).

The investigation keeps pressing on with Democrats stating it is about Trump, despite the fact FBI Director James Comey States In Congressional Hearing There Is No Evidence To Support Collusion Between Donald Trump And Russia.

Congress also discredited Mueller's case (Special Counsel Robert Mueller Grasping At Straws In Using A Convicted Pedophile As A Witness In The Congressionally Discredited Russia And President Trump Collusion Investigation). However, Mueller is using the case for his own ends and continues to unethically stretch it out.

I can’t take you all seriously, as you’re the most corrupt, treacherous, deceitful group of government officials in existence. You prosecute people for crimes you yourselves commit. What kind of hypocrisy and fraud is that. People of integrity, honor and decency don’t do such things. Criminals do.

Then there’s the insanely obvious double standard. The Obama administration spied on Trump during the election in illegal attempts at aiding Clinton (Congressman Confirms President Donald Trump Was Being Spied On By Former President Barack Obama During The Presidential Elections).

Hillary Clinton also committed so many crimes as Secretary of State, such as taking and issuing bribes as seen in the documentary "Clinton Cash", mishandling classified documents which is a serious crime, and misusing charity money to pay for millions in lavish spending by her daughter, Chelsea Clinton, which is also illegal. Clinton also lied to Congress and the FBI while under oath. Yet, not a single charge has been filed, when she’s committed enough crimes that she should by law spend the rest of her natural life in prison.

It has eroded the American people's faith in the justice system (FBI Hit With Massive Backlash From Americans Labeling Them 'Corrupt' For 'Rigging' Hillary Clinton Investigation Into Mishandling Classified Information And Not Charging Her For Crimes She Committed).

Roger Stone

Then, there’s the mysterious death of 27-year-old Democratic intern, Seth Rich, who had been steadily passing incriminating items to the whistleblower website, Wikileaks, exposing Clinton’s crimes. He was found dead on a Washington street, in an alleged robbery, but the murderer who shot him to death did not take his wallet or expensive iPhone.

That wasn’t a robbery. That was a targeted killing. Yet, the FBI has looked the other way to it. Some liberals are trying to paint it as a right wing conspiracy, but you’d have to be an inbred idiot to think a robber would shoot someone to death and not take their wallet containing money and credit cards, and their iPhone. Even Rich’s mother stated to NBC affiliate WRC-TV, “They never took anything.” Many legal cases in criminal court shows us that is not how robbers operate. That’s how hired killers operate.

Case in point, in 1968 when civil rights hero Martin Luther King Jr was shot to death by James Earl Ray, a man hired by then-FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, did Ray go up to King’s body and take the wallet and watch, like robbers have done in robberies. No, he did not, because it was not a robbery, but an assassination to silence and stop an outspoken man the establishment hated for speaking out against corruption and inequity.

When the mafia decides to murder a target, they don’t rob the person. They go there with one thing on their minds, murdering the intended target, then fleeing the scene. Once again, Seth Rich’s murder was a targeted killing. However, if you wish to believe a lie for political reasons, you are free to delude yourself into thinking it was a robbery…and dishonor his memory and deny him justice in the process.

I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton. I’ve seen too much evil pour from that woman. Any person who would hire a made member of the mafia to criminally spy on and harass political rivals and outspoken critics, as Clinton did regarding mafioso, Anthony Pellicano, is not a good person.

There are policies Trump has that I do not agree with (I think catch and release regarding illegal immigrants is better than detention camps and the $1.3 trillion in tax cuts is costly), but there are some I do agree with (the Music Modernization Act, decriminalizing some crimes to alleviate prison overcrowding, not discriminating against and abusing Christians after his predecessor did just that for years).

However, Trump was duly elected. For anyone to try to drag him out of office with no evidence is treason and sedition against the U.S. Constitution. It is the equivalent of illegally trying to overthrow the government, which is a serious crime.

There is no need for this “Russian collusion” case to have dragged on for this long. It makes the FBI and the DOJ look corrupt, inept, slow and incompetent. The case has ripped the country in half with people acrimoniously and viciously fighting each other online and sadly, sometimes in public (people need to keep the peace). The case is being dragged out for political reasons, which under the Constitution, is illegal (the Six Amendment’s “Speedy Trial“ clause).

It is not an unreasonable request from members of the American public to ask that the investigation be completed, cases wrapped up and findings made public in a more timely fashion (which is what many have publicly requested). It doesn’t take this long to do a criminal case. Many nations of the world have done investigations and trials regarding politics in half the time.

Mueller stretching things out for political reasons is an embarrassment on the U.S. government and in clear sight of the world. It gives the impression he is trying to make himself into a hero and stay out of prison for crimes he committed at the FBI, at the expense of the peace and civility of the nation. America has never been so divided. With Mueller repeatedly extending the case to save his own puckered backside, America has no closure. The acrimony, rancor and division just keeps getting rebooted and angrier than ever each time.

I will make a prediction though (and my predictions happen on a regular basis). Mueller and Rod Rosenstein, among others in their circle, are going to face criminal charges for crimes they‘ve committed, and the American people will applaud and welcome it when the full truth regarding their behavior behind the scenes becomes public knowledge.


Former Trump adviser Roger Stone indicted, arrested

Updated: Jan 25, 2019 - 8:03 AM - Update 8:01 a.m. EST Jan. 25: The lawyer for Roger Stone, Grant Smith, called the charges “ridiculous,” The New York Times reported. “This is all about a minor charge about lying to Congress about something that was apparently found later,” Smith told the newspaper. 

Update 7:42 a.m. EST Jan. 25: According to the indictment released by the Justice Department, “in and around” July 2016 through “in or around November 2016,” an group labeled “Organization 1” “released tens of thousands of documents stolen from the (Democratic National Committee) and the personal email account of the chairman of the U.S. presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton (“Clinton Campaign”).

Update 7:23 a.m. EST Jan. 25: The Justice Department released the indictment, which alleges that Stone, a longtime associate of Donald Trump, sought stolen emails from WikiLeaks that could damage Trump's opponents at the direction of "a senior Trump Campaign official," CNN reported. WikiLeaks’ publication of the emails embarrassed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, The Washington Post reported. The messages helped disrupt the race for the White House in 2016, the newspaper reported...



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