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James Comey Is Being Slammed All Over The Press

January 22. 2019

James Comey

Former FBI Director, James Comey, who was fired for leaking classified items to the press and lying under oath in Congress. Comey is still warring with President Trump for firing him, issuing a string of quotes in the press and on social networking on the subject. Comey is very bitter over what has transpired.

The press has been eviscerating Comey. Both the political left and right are slamming Comey in a host of mainstream publications. The heavy criticism of Comey and the FBI is richly deserved. I have included a small sampling of the mainstream press articles below. However, Comey's problems are not over yet. Whether Comey realizes it or not, he and others are facing the very real prospect of criminal indictment over the crimes they committed at the FBI. Bad press clippings should be the least of his worries.


Comey Gets Called Out For Lying About FBI Going Without a Christmas Paycheck

Posted: Dec 25, 2018 8:40 AM - Former FBI Director James Comey was called out Sunday for spreading yet another lie…this time about FBI employees not receiving a paycheck over Christmas. “FBI families will spend Christmas without a paycheck. This president promised Mexico would pay for the wall but innocent people are now paying the price for another lie. Our thoughts are with hardworking public servants and their families," Comey said in a tweet on Sunday.

Twitter users were quick to point out, however, that his statement was false. “Per OMB guidance, checks for Pay Period 26 (December 9-22) will be processed as usual. Which means federal employees will get their normal direct deposit between December 28 and January 3,” responded one man. “It's the paychecks *after* that, starting with Pay Period 1, that are stopped.”...


Keep the FBI Out of Politics

Whether Trump’s firing of James Comey threatened national security is a question for Congress, not the FBI.

January 15, 2019, 7:30 PM EST - The man behind the curtain. The American people have a right to know if their president is a Russian agent. Richard Nixon delivered a version of this line in November 1973, as the Watergate scandal gathered steam. Now President Donald Trump has had to tell reporters he is not a spy after the New York Times reported that the FBI had launched a counterintelligence probe into the president himself in May 2017...

Make no mistake, however: This is not something that can be left in the FBI’s hands. It may be tempting for Democrats to use the FBI’s suspicions of Trump’s treason as a political weapon now. But it also makes for a terrible precedent. Democrats, especially, should be attuned to the danger of allowing the FBI undue influence in electoral politics.


'Irreparable damage to the bureau': Former FBI agents sound off on James Comey

December 20, 2018 12:26 PM - James Comey has recognized a kindred spirit in Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, who in 1951, penned the immortal lines, “Do not go gentle into that good night … Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” To wit, the former FBI director confidently strode up to microphones following two days of contentious testimony before House lawmakers, and let it all hang out...

But then James Comey began to talk, and talk, and talk some more. His testimony in June 2017 sickened me. This was an FBI director who shrank in the face of politicized Obama administration Attorney General Loretta Lynch while she ran political cover for the Clinton campaign and then melted in front of a newly elected president, who Comey claims asked him to do untoward things. He somehow couldn’t find the cojones to challenge this neophyte politico to his face. Instead, he leaked FBI memos, through a surrogate, to the cozy confines of the New York Times. It was disgraceful — full stop... 

But many of my former colleagues say otherwise. Retired FBI Special Agent Joaquin Garcia, serving 1980-2006, (whom you may know from his 2008 book, Making Jack Falcone: An Undercover Agent Takes Down a Mafia Family) was the agent who taught me how to be an undercover agent in New York City during the early 1990s. He told me: James Comey has done irreparable damage to the bureau we love. His conduct, specifically his leaking, has divided the bureau, and it will take years to regain our hard-earned reputation... 


James Comey, please shut up

January 3, 2019 - It's time for Jim Comey to be quiet. That's been the case for a long time now — and yet there the former FBI director was on Wednesday, weighing in on the debate over Mitt Romney's op-ed criticizing President Trump. Looks like the Republican tent is too small to fit integrity...

So why won't he just be quiet? That's what former FBI directors tend to do, after all. They serve out a few years leading America's top crime-fighting agency, then retire to go live out a life of private sector riches, sometimes emerging to head up a commission or join a board as an act of continued public service. Mostly, they keep a low public profile, acquiring a kind of above-the-fray elder statesman status in the process.


The Insufferable James Comey

December 19, 2018 - Never before has a former FBI director boasted about taking advantage of an administration’s disorganization for his own ends. But never before has a former FBI director been as self-satisfied as James Brien Comey Jr. In an interview this month with Nicolle Wallace at the 92nd Street Y in New York City, Comey delighted his Upper East Side audience with his tale of how he exploited the Trump White House’s disarray in its initial days to send two FBI agents to talk to then-national security advisor Michael Flynn without honoring the usual processes (e.g., working through the White House counsel’s office).

Comey said that in a different administration that’s “something I probably wouldn’t have done or maybe gotten away with.” He apparently didn’t consider how that might sound to anyone not already inclined to delight in the wit and wisdom of James Comey, or old enough to remember when an FBI director pushing to “get away” with things wasn’t so amusing...


A Mueller Court Filing Reveals James Comey’s Arrogance

Three unilateral decisions show Comey thinks FBI directors can do whatever they want.

Jan 08, 20196:58 PM - Last month, special counsel Robert Mueller revealed something disturbing about former FBI Director James Comey. Here’s what Mueller disclosed: In January 2017, when Comey sent FBI agents to interview then–national security adviser Michael Flynn, Comey bypassed his own boss, Acting Attorney General Sally Yates. The story sounds innocuous, and it doesn’t serve either party’s narrative, so nobody made a fuss about it. But it’s important. It exposes the twisted thinking that led Comey to change the course of history—and could tempt other public officials to make themselves unaccountable...

But Comey hasn’t reckoned with the perils of his hubris. He calls the Clinton investigation a “500-year flood” that required unilateral decisions by the FBI director. Now we know that’s bunk. Comey continued to usurp authority in 2017. He did so based on arguments that could be applied every day. In the end, what protects us from the abuse of power isn’t that our public officials are honest. It’s that they’re accountable.




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