R. Kelly Made An Illegal Aaliyah
Sex Tape
April 6. 2011

R&B singer, R Kelly, made a secret, illegal Aaliyah sex
tape, of his late recording artist when she was a minor, according to a
very reliable source that knows Hollywood quite well and wants him
incarcerated. It was previously revealed via court evidence that Kelly made
tapes of other minors, aged 12-17,
with a few being admitted as evidence.
Some of the tapes in existence are of female minors having sex with Kelly
and each other (bisexual), but it was not made public Aaliyah
was one of them, as those tapes remained hidden. However, Kelly bragged
about the Aaliyah tapes in industry circles, showing them to fellow
perverts, some of whom talk a lot. He and they should go to prison for it,
as it is child porn.

R. Kelly
Kelly went on to marry Aaliyah Haughton when she was
15-years-old and he 27, which was illegal. When Haughton's parents
found out about the illegal sexual activities and subsequent
marriage conducted in secret using a fake I.D., they were livid.
Haughton's distressed father threatened to kill Kelly.
The Haughtons