Prostitute Robert Mueller Contacted
Confesses That She Lied About Trump ‘Russia Collusion’ Story
January 31. 2019

Nastya Rybka (center)
A model from Belarus, Nastya Rybka, real name
Anastasia Vashukevich, has confessed she lied about ‘Russia
Collusion’ in reference to U.S. President Donald Trump. She was
locked up in prison in Thailand for prostitution offenses and
began fearing for her life. In a bid at early release, she lied
to authorities stating she was in possession of secret
recordings revealing collusion between Trump and Russian
businessman Oleg Deripaska. The mere fact Mueller entertained
her lies shows how desperate he is, in a case he has no evidence
of collusion.
Mueller sent FBI agents to interview her, after
she promised to cooperate in exchange for U.S. political asylum.
However, the whole story was a lie to get out of prison. She has
been deported to Russia. Rybka stated to CNN, “I think it saved
my life, how can I regret it? If journalists had not come at
that time and that story had not come to newspapers, maybe I
would die (be dead by) now.”
Previously, Rybka held a nude protest in front
of the U.S. embassy in support of disgraced Hollywood rapist,
Harvey Weinstein,
who is on trial in New York for raping women. Over 100 famous
and non-famous women have accused him of sexual harassment,
assault and or rape. However, Rybka protested on his behalf. Say
no more. Her credibility is non-existent.
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