Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Making Money From
Speeches To Support Themselves Outside The Royal FamilyFebruary 13. 2020

The Duchess and Duke of Sussex
This past week Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex and his wife, Meghan Markle, the
Duchess of Sussex, made an appearance in Miami. The couple were paid by
financial institution JP Morgan to give a speech. The Sussexs are
set to earn millions of dollars for giving speeches at a number of
companies such as Goldman Sachs.
Public figures such as former Prime British Minister
Tony Blair and former U.S. President Bill Clinton have been known to
earn $250,000 to $500,000 per speech. As the Sussexs are popular,
they are earning six figures per speech as well. They will use the
money to support themselves, as they've left the royal family.
Many assume the Sussexs left the royal family due to
press harassment. However, I recently found out from a reliable
source that it was only a small part of it and not the main reason.
Something very bad happened at the palace, which made the Sussexs
flee, fearing history would repeat itself, regarding the mysterious
death of Prince Harry's mother, the late, great Princess Diana. They
left the royal family with good reason.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's big-money career may have
begun already with a speech for JP Morgan
Feb 7, 2020, 8:11 PM - Meghan Markle and Prince
Harry leave an event at London's Canada House in January 2020,
shortly before announcing their intention to step down as senior
royals. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle gave a speech at a JP Morgan
summit, according to multiple reports.
They are reported to have been at the banks Alternative Investment
Summit in Miami, Florida. It isn't clear whether they were paid —
but speaking gigs like this are widely expected to provide them with
an income...
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