President Joe Biden Finally
Consents To Visit Maui After Terrible Wildfires
Killed Hundreds Of Citizens And Burned Many Homes To
The Ground (Video)
August 21. 2023
U.S. President Joe Biden finally
visited Maui in Hawaii after ignoring them in their
time of need, while wildfires burned many homes down
and left hundreds of people dead. As Maui burned
Biden was heavily criticized for playing golf and
laughing in Delaware while reporters asked him for
comment on the devastation. He disgracefully replied
"no comment" with a smile and then a smirk on his
Biden went to Maui today and joked
how hot the ground is, which many on social
networking slammed him for stating, as hundreds of
people had burned to death on those very streets.
Some jumped in the hot, shark infested sea to escape
the deadly fire.

Last week Joe Biden laughed while Maui burned
and refused to end his vacation to visit the region
To Biden it is all one big joke. It
was not the time for jokes. He is insane. Biden is
out of his mind and reckless. To add insult to
injury, he is only giving each citizen in Maui $700
in government relief. Disgusting! They deserve far
more money to help them through this terrible time.
President Joe Biden Played Golf And Laughed While
Maui Kept Burning