President Joe Biden Finally Admits
He Doesn't Know What He Is Doing Regarding The
Pandemic As He Has 'No Federal Answers'
December 27. 2021

President Joe Biden
U.S. President Joe Biden is cracking
under pressure as the Omicron variant of the
coronavirus (COvid-19) sweeps through America at
record pace. Biden stated in a meeting to 25
governors of U.S. states, "No federal solution on
COVID. That's not enough. Clearly not enough. We
have to do more. We have to do better. And we will."
How can Biden do better when he nor
his third term having puppetmaster,
Obama, have no answers.
The pandemic has gotten progressively worse under
Biden. Seriously mistakes were made that worsened
the pandemic and cost many their lives (Joe
Biden Slammed In The Press For Declaring Victory
Over Coronavirus Too Soon Leading To More Cases And
Deaths In A Fourth Wave Of The Virus (Video)
America Is Experiencing A Dire 10,100,000 Job
Openings Due To Economic Mismanagement And 100,000
New Coronavirus Cases Per Day After President Joe
Biden Told The Public To Take Off Their Masks).
Well, there you have it. Straight
from Biden's mouth. He doesn't have any answers.
I've repeatedly stated on this site Biden has no
answers to solve America's problems (Joe
Biden Tax Plan Slammed And Debunked On '60 Minutes'
Confirming Previous Site Claims and
Prices In America Reach 30-Year High
Under President Joe Biden's Damaging Inflation and
Joe Biden Blames
Coronavirus For His Failures As President).
Biden never should have been made
president. The Democrats had so many other choices
to choose from when selecting a candidate, yet the
they picked a man with dementia, no understanding of
business/economics, and absolutely no ideas.
Biden now says ‘no federal solution’ to COVID
crisis, would have given out tests ‘quicker’ if
Omicron surge expected
December 27, 2021 1:25pm Updated -
President Biden said Monday that he’d have “gone
harder, quicker” to distribute COVID-19 tests if
he’d known the Omicron variant was going to cause
record-high rates of new infections — moments after
telling a group of state governors that “there is no
federal solution” to the crisis.
Early in the virtual meeting with
members of the National Governors Association,
Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson urged Biden to “not let
federal solutions stand in the way of state
solutions” and added that the president’s promise
last week to make 500 million COVID tests available
for direct order by Americans beginning next month
was “great, but obviously, that dries up the supply
chain for the solutions that we might offer.”
“Look, there is no federal solution,” the president
agreed when the time came for him to speak. “This
gets solved at a state level … and it ultimately
gets down to where the rubber meets the road and
that’s where the patient is in need of help, or
preventing the need for help.”...
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