Joe Biden Blames Coronavirus For His Failures As
November 30. 2021

President Joe Biden
U.S. President Joe Biden is blaming
all his woes on the coronavirus. Biden is
attributing everything from high inflation to his
low poll numbers to the coronavirus pandemic.
However, that is a cop out. The Biden Administration
does not know what it is doing regarding the economy
(Joe Biden Tax Plan Slammed And
Debunked On '60 Minutes').
If Biden knew what he was doing
things would not be in this terrible state in
America (Joe
Biden Slammed In The Press For Declaring Victory
Over Coronavirus Too Soon Leading To More Cases And
Deaths In A Fourth Wave Of The Virus (Video)).
The economy is in the toilet and do are his poll
Biden is suffering from dementia,
which is a mental disability and psychological
disorder. On any given day Biden doesn't even know
he is the president (U.S. President Joe Biden Thinks His
Wife Jill Biden Is His Sister And Vice President Kamala Harris Is The
The power hungry people behind the
puppet Biden (Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and
company) also do not know how to fix the economy or
properly address the pandemic (Mainstream Outlets Refer To
President-Elect Joe Biden As Barack Obama's Third Term In Office Much To
His Annoyance But Confirming Previous Site Claims). As a result
of this America has been in freefall. America has
now fallen to number two in the world (behind
America has never been in such a bad
predicament. Last year unemployment surpassed Great
Depression levels. This year there are still over
10,000,000 people unemployed in America. This
coupled with the fact many people are dying from
coronavirus on a daily basis makes it the worst time
in U.S. history.
JP Morgan Chase announced this week
that "the worse is yet to come" in America regarding
the economy. They expect gas to rise to $5 per
gallon nationally. The cost of food in America has
sharply risen as well, because supermarkets are
having a significant amount of trouble sourcing
items at previous prices, due to supply chain
issues, among other pandemic related problems.
This was the worst possible time for
America to have a mentally disabled president. The
job needed someone with a fresh mind, clear
perspective, great ideas and head for numbers. This
whole thing has been an absolute disaster.
High inflation? Low polling? White House
blames the pandemic
November 27, 2021 - WASHINGTON (AP)
— Inflation is soaring, businesses are struggling to
hire and President Joe Biden’s poll numbers have
been in free fall. The White House sees a common
culprit for it all: COVID-19.
Biden’s team views the pandemic as
the root cause of both the nation’s malaise and his
own political woes. Finally controlling COVID-19,
the White House believes, is the skeleton key to
rejuvenating the country and reviving Biden’s own
But the coronavirus challenge has
proved to be vexing for the White House, with last
summer’s premature claims of victory swamped by the
more transmissible delta variant, millions of
Americans going unvaccinated and lingering economic
effects from the pandemic’s darkest days.
All of that as yet another variant
of the virus, omicron, emerged overseas. It is
worrying public health officials, leading to new
travel bans and panicking markets as scientists race
to understand how dangerous it may be...
Testimony Of Generals In Congress
Openly Contradicts President Biden's Claims During TV Interview They Did
Not Advise Him To Leave Any Troops In Afghanistan To Maintain Order
124 Retired Generals And Admirals
Sound The Alarm Regarding The Mental Health Of U.S. President Joe Biden