President Joe Biden's Economy
Continues To Tank With 5,000,000 More Americans Out
Sick With COVID After His Bad Advice
January 17. 2022

Joe Biden
President Joe Biden's economy still
continues to tank. Biden was touting his economy as
strong, even though a record 10,000,000 Americans
had resigned from their jobs, due to poor working
conditions, which meant economic output was severely
weakened in the country (America Is Experiencing A Dire
10,100,000 Job Openings Due To Economic Mismanagement And 100,000 New
Coronavirus Cases Per Day After President Joe Biden Told The Public To
Take Off Their Masks).
A new report indicates 5,000,000
Americans are now out sick with the coronavirus due
to the Omicron surge. This puts a greater dent in
economic output, sending the U.S. economy even
further into decline.
Biden's horrible advice back in May
2021 that many have stuck with, telling people to
remove their masks as the vaccines would protect
them, has proven quite faulty and extremely
dangerous (Joe
Biden Slammed In The Press For Declaring Victory
Over Coronavirus Too Soon Leading To More Cases And
Deaths In A Fourth Wave Of The Virus (Video)).
Biden later discovered having the
vaccines and boosters would not protect people from
getting coronavirus. This bad advice resulted in
millions of people contracting coronavirus and many
dying. America is not going to recover under Biden,
who is actually engaging in conduct that will help
the nation sink. Biden's mind is gone to do such a
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