President Joe Biden's Dementia
Surfaces Again As He Has Already Forgotten Trip To
Ireland That Occurred Weeks Ago
May 2. 2023

Joe Biden has advance dementia and should not
be president. he needs to be removed. However,
certain power hungry people will continue with this
charade that is causing America incalculable damage
U.S. President Joe Biden, who is
suffering from dementia, visited Ireland last month
in a bid to boost his international profile, after
many world nations announced they are abandoning the
U.S. dollar (World Nations Form Alliance To
Replace The U.S. Dollar In International Trade Due To President Joe
Biden's Terrible Economic And Political Policies In A Move That Will
Cost America Trillions In Revenues). Biden's dreadful economic
policies created this severely damaging blow to
America's economy that will cost the nation
trillions of dollars and global prestige in finance.
It was reported that Biden, when
asked during the Take Your Child to Work Day event
at the White House, could not remember the last
country he visited (After
Months Of Dodging Press Conferences Joe Biden Is In
Hiding Even More Due To Offensive Gaffes During
Visits To Ireland And Northern Ireland and
President Joe Biden Continues His
Embarrassment In Europe Tour Riddled With Gaffes And Insults The White
House Is Scrambling To Edit).
The embarrassing incident resulted
in a child having to remind the President where he
was last, "'What was the last country you traveled
to?' one child asked Biden during a Take Your Child
to Work Day event at the White House. 'The last
country I've traveled — I'm trying to think the last
one I was in — I, I've been to 89 — I've met with 89
heads of state so far, so, uh — I'm trying to think.
What was the last — Where was the last place I was?
It's hard to keep track. Um, I was — ' Biden
stammered. 'Ireland!' another child yelled in

Biden's dementia has been showing for years
I've stated it on this site since
2019 that Biden has dementia and should not be
President. It has greatly imperiled America and
created record financial losses. World nations no
longer fear America and the country has lost much of
its leverage aboard in finance, political and
military circles. Due to Biden America has been
replaced as "The Leader of the Free World." If that
was not enough of a blow, the American people
are suffering terrible financial hardships because
the President has dementia and does not know how to
run the economy.
To the handful of Democrat
politicians in Congress that helped the FBI, CIA and
Obama pull off this scam, was it really worth it so
you can control the country under false pretenses
that are completely unconstitutional and illegal (Former President Barack Obama Never
Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time
and U.S. President Joe Biden Thinks His
Wife Jill Biden Is His Sister And Vice President Kamala Harris Is The
President). You don't seem to grasp the gravity of what you've
done, otherwise you would not have had your puppet,
Biden, announce his reelection campaign.
Shock as Biden forgets recent trip to Ireland,
has to be reminded by a child: 'Cognitively unfit by
a mile'
Less than two weeks after returning
from Ireland, President Joe Biden appeared to forget
it was the last country he visited, until he was
reminded by a child on Thursday. Biden visited
Ireland in mid-April to celebrate the 25th
anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement of 1998,
which formally ended decades of violent conflict
between Irish Protestants and Catholics. While Biden
spent much of the trip talking about his family and
America's connections to the nation across the
Atlantic, the visit seemed to temporarily escape his
memory soon after
"What was the last country you
traveled to?" one child asked Biden during a Take
Your Child to Work Day event at the White House.
"The last country I've traveled — I'm trying to
think the last one I was in — I, I've been to 89 —
I've met with 89 heads of state so far, so, uh — I'm
trying to think. What was the last — Where was the
last place I was? It's hard to keep track. Um, I was
— " Biden stammered.
"Ireland!" another child yelled in
reply. "Yeah, you're right, Ireland," Biden said.
"That's where it was. How'd you know that?"
Commentators across Twitter both laughed at the clip
and lamented the state of the American presidency.
"Today, Biden forgot the last foreign country he
visited as president. It was Ireland. Week before
last," Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., tweeted. "And he
wants four more years?"...
After Months Of Dodging Press Conferences Joe Biden
Is In Hiding Even More Due To Offensive Gaffes
During Visits To Ireland And Northern Ireland
President Joe Biden Continues His
Embarrassment In Europe Tour Riddled With Gaffes And Insults The White
House Is Scrambling To Edit