President Joe Biden Continues
His Embarrassment In Europe Tour Riddled With Gaffes
And Insults The White House Is Scrambling To Edit
April 14. 2023

Joe Biden
U.S. President Joe Biden has
continued to humiliate himself making gaffes while
on a tour in Europe. Old diarrhea mouth Biden caused
offensive in Ireland with a comment he made. While
giving a speech in Dundalk, County Louth, Biden
started running his mouth and got into trouble.
Biden stated, "You see this tie I
have with this shamrock on it. This was given to me
by one of these guys right here. He was a hell of a
rugby player, and he beat the hell out of the
Black and Tans." What he should have said was the
"All Blacks" which is the rugby team.
Biden's statement caused offense, as
the Black and Tans he referenced were actually
police constables (officers) recruited by Britain
"as reinforcements against the Irish during the
Irish War of Independence" and "they have a
troubling reputation for their brutality against
Irish civilians."
Is there any wonder the world has
lost confidence in the U.S. government, especially
in economic matters (World Nations Form Alliance To
Replace The U.S. Dollar In International Trade Due To President Joe
Biden's Terrible Economic And Political Policies In A Move That Will
Cost America Trillions In Revenues).
The President is responsible for the
nation's financial, military and social health. Yet,
Biden is always operating under a dementia induced
brain fog and keeps exhibiting the fact he has no
sense. I ask, if you went to an accountant and he
was babbling, forgetful, confused, gaffe prone and
constantly spouting gibberish, would you trust him
to do your taxes? No you wouldn't, as you'd
immediately recognize the risk to your financial
health. Yet, Biden is President of the United States
through fraud and decimating the U.S. economy with
his incompetence and madness.

Former British government official Nile
Gardiner slams Joe Biden
Since when does the least qualified,
non-coherent person from Congress become President.
Whose dumb idea was this. Oh wait, it was Obama's
idea, because he thinks he owns the Presidency and
should lecherously latch onto it for as long as
possible, while incalculable damage is done to
America (Former President Barack Obama Never
Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time
and U.S. President Joe Biden Thinks His
Wife Jill Biden Is His Sister And Vice President Kamala Harris Is The
This is by far one of the dumbest
things I've ever seen. Men and women go to top
universities in America, obtain complex degrees,
extensively study foreign policy, win impressive
accolades and awards for their high levels of
intelligence, but are passed over so a darn near
brain-dead madman, who did poorly in college and
barely graduated, has no sense or decency, becomes
President and spends his time eating ice cream and
chatting crap all day for the whole world to see and
hear it.
You really call this saving America
under "anyone but Trump." Record inflation. Record
deficits. Record financial losses. Record
abandonment of the U.S. dollar. Record cuts in
global oil production to America. Record, global
public embarrassment. How was this the answer
(rhetorical because it wasn't).
The world is abandoning America in
droves because of Biden (World Nations Form Alliance To
Replace The U.S. Dollar In International Trade Due To President Joe
Biden's Terrible Economic And Political Policies In A Move That Will
Cost America Trillions In Revenues) How was installing him in
office a good idea. All of you in Washington who
decided to appoint Biden the President, please ask
yourselves that question, because if you're honest
the answer will scare you and you won't repeat that
mistake again.
White House Alters Transcript After Biden’s
Embarrassing and Insulting Gaffe in Ireland
Apr. 14, 2023 1:00 pm - If there is
one thing consistent about Joe Biden, it is he
penchant for embarrassing, awkward and sometimes
insulting gaffes. His trip to Ireland has been
filled with embarrassing moments that make America a
laughing stock on the world stage.
Whether he is telling banquet
attendees to “lick the world”, reading end of quote
off of his teleprompter or having his troubled son
Hunter explain a simple child’s question, he is a
disaster.On Wednesday, Biden spoke at an event in
Dundalk, County Louth and mentioned Irish rugby
player Rob Kearney. Kearney is a distant cousin of
his and was in attendance.
Biden then referenced a rugby
international event held in 2016 in Chicago, when
the Irish team beat the New Zealand All Blacks for
the first time in 111 years. In his remarks, Biden
fumbled, “You see this tie I have with this shamrock
on it? This was given to me by one of these guys
right here. He was a hell of a rugby player, and he
beat the hell out of the Black and Tans.”
His flub alluded to a painful and
violent time in Irish history. The Black and Tans
were constables recruited from Great Britain as
reinforcements against the Irish during the Irish
War of Independence. They have a troubling
reputation for their brutality against Irish
After the atrocious remark,
delivered in a creepy Biden whisper, the White House
had to clean up another mess and altered the
official White House transcript, striking through
the offensive reference and rewriting his actual
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