Model Chrissy Teigen Scrubbed Her
Social Networking Of Pedophilic Posts But Items
Still Persist Stating She Is A Pedophile...And With
Good Reason
January 9. 2024

A small sampling of the pedophilic tweets Chrissy
Teigen made for years then deleted under public
backlash. How do these people in Hollywood still
have a podium.
For years items on social networking accused model
Chrissy Teigen, who is married to singer, John
Legend, of being a pedophile. Teigen made so many
pedophilic posts on Twitter, members of the public
became enraged and labeled her a pedophile. When the
claims of being a pedophile began picking up steam,
Teigen deleted the pedophilic posts (over 60,000 of
them). She also blocked 1 million Twitter users for
connecting her to Jeffrey Epstein.
John Legend is already in the so-called,
self-professed Hollywood "illuminati" run by
madwoman and child sex trafficker, Madonna, who is a
pedophile (Human
Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African
Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For
Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced
Adoptions In Africa).
How was John Legend comfortable seeing his wife make
pedophilic posts on Twitter for years, and continue
to laugh and smile with her in public (for most it
would be grounds for divorce). Legend constantly
promotes his pervert of a wife, which gives the
impression he agrees with her pedo behavior.
Teigen's conduct reminds me of the nastiness rapper
Lil Nas X posted about wanting to rape his
3-year-old nephew (Satanic
Rapper Lil Nas Labeled A Pedophile After Stating He
Wants To Rape His 3-Year-Old Nephew).
They are so open with the pedophilia and it is
alarming. They are trying to mainstream it in
attempts at desensitizing the public to their
dastardly, demonic, pedophilic behavior. They are
trying to gain public acceptance for that nastiness.
The public must never accept pedophilia. Peacefully
resist and be vocally outspoken that pedophilia is
sick and wrong.
Hollywood director, Bryan Singer, among other
pedophiles in his circle, continue to run free when
there are so many accusing him and others of raping
them as minors (4
More Victims Come Forward Stating Pedophile Movie
Director Bryan Singer Raped Them).
Hollywood is full of pedophiles. Hollywood preys on
children. Most child stars were raped. That's why so
many child stars end up hooked on drugs and
overdosing. Their minds can't handle the terrible
sexual abuse they were subjected to in Hollywood.
Some are scared to go to therapists, who will report
the abuse to police. Hollywood is an industry full
of thugs and criminals who are in gangs and the
mafia, whom Hollywood stars and executives pay to
threaten, assault, spy on and kill people (ie
Anthony Pellicano).
I talked to someone who is very connected,
questioning why a certain A-list actor who is not a
pedophile and currently has a successful television
show that is wrapping up, doesn't speak out about
the pedophilia in Hollywood, and the person in the
know told me "because he has a family" and explained
they will kill them. The actor, who is a household
name (you guys know who this is), has small kids and
adult children, and just went through a horrible
divorce from a gold digger that tried to wipe him
out. He is genuinely afraid of those pedophile
lunatics running Hollywood are they are prone to
commissioning murders.
The FBI has the evidence of Hollywood stars and
select politicians commissioning acts of murder, but
are sitting on it in another cover up. And the FBI
is famous for their cover ups, especially of
children being raped (The
FBI's Deliberate Criminal Negligence And Obstruction
Of Justice In The USA Gymnastics Case That Allowed
Underage Gymnasts To Be Raped And Sexually Assaulted
Exhibits A Pattern Of Criminal Behavior Present In
Other Sex Crime Cases Such As Those Concerning
Madonna And Hollywood (Video) and
'Surviving Jeffrey Epstein' Documentary Exposes The
Child Molester And His Rich And Famous Friends Who
Are Also Pedophiles (Video)).
This is what the FBI has allowed America to come
to...being run by a depraved, murderous pedophile
cabal in entertainment (Hollywood), politics (the
Clintons, among others) and business (the late
Jeffrey Epstein, among others). And mark my words
that cabal are going to run America right into the
literal ground if Congress or world governments
don't stop them.
Select Names Are Being
Published From The Epstein Pedophile List Placing
Former President Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Al
Gore, The Obamas, Bill Gates And Oprah Winfrey On
The Hot Seat