Michael Avenatti Expresses His Fear Of
Going To Prison Due To Criminal Extortion Scheme Against Nike
April 1. 2019
Recently indicted and arrested attorney, Michael
Avenatti, has so many cases against him, he has become
despondent about his future. Congress referred him for criminal
investigation for presenting false evidence and lying to the
legislature, which is a crime (he targeted the president with
lies). Avenatti is being investigated for domestic violence in
Los Angeles.

Porn star and stripper Stormy Daniels getting cozy with
Michael Avenatti. She has since fired the disgraced lawyer,
who lost her case against President Trump.
The third criminal case surfaced in New York,
regarding him trying to extort $25,000,000 from multi-billion
dollar company Nike. He is also in trouble for filing fraudulent
tax returns, defrauding a bank out of approximately $5,000,000
and using a client’s $1,500,000 settlement without telling him
he had settled the case a year prior. Things grew so bad with
the negative publicity coming his way, Avenatti made his Twitter
account private.

Michael Avenatti
He recently did an interview about his legal
situation, where he expressed sadness and fear over
possibility spending the rest of his life behind bars. It’s
sad, but these situations are of his own making. He took
some extraordinarily bad risks and they have backfired. He
has to face the consequences of those actions.
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