Michael Avenatti Arrested For Extortion,
Tax Fraud And Theft Of Client Money (Video)
March 25. 2019
Michael Avenatti, the attorney of porn star,
Stormy Daniels, who sued U.S. President Donald Trump in a failed
legal action, has been arrested on sweeping criminal charges.
Avenatti has been indicted for trying to extort $25,000,000 from
multi-billion dollar company, Nike.
The New York U.S. Attorney’s office revealed the
incident, “Had nothing to do with a lawsuit or any legal work on
behalf of a client.” Avenatti found out information he stated
was damaging to Nike, regarding a series of, “Payments made to
families of high school basketball players.”
The incident happened last week, over the course
of three days (March 19-22) in a series of meetings, where
Avenatti was recorded making very incriminating statements,
which enabled authorities to move in on him with a criminal
indictment. They arrested him within minutes of his announcement
that he was going public with damaging news.
The New York U.S. Attorney’s office stated it
was in reference to, “A prior criminal prosecution brought by
our office.” Avenatti threatened “If the company did not meet
his demands, the company might die, but if not it was going to
be inflicted with cut, after cut, after cut.” Avenatti demanded
Nike pay $1,500,000 to one of his clients and $25,000,000 to
him, to prevent the attorney from going public with the damaging
information. Avenatti demanded “$12,000,000 up front” which he
“deemed earned when paid.”
When Nike refused to meet his extortionate
demands, Avenatti countered they “could skip paying for an
internal investigation if instead it simply paid him $22.5
million” then he would “ride off into the sunset.” Avenatti
threatened that if they refused to pay, “I’ll go take $10
billion off your client’s market cap” by going public with the
damaging information in a press conference that was scheduled
for today.

Michael Avenatti
This case definitely comes across as extortion.
How could his client, who knew of illegal payments to high
school basketball players deserve $1,500,000, to keep silent.
That’s extortion and blackmail. Avenatti’s client was not
injured by Nike. Therefore, this was an outright extortion
Furthermore, how could the client’s attorney,
Avenatti, deserve a $25,000,000 payment to keep silent. That is
outright extortion. As an attorney, if you take on a client, you
do so by receiving a retainer for payment or on contingency,
where you get a percent of any money awarded via settlement or
as a judgment in court.
I’ve stated for well over a year that Avenatti
is a questionable lawyer. Not long after, he was placed under
criminal investigation by Congress. The he was arrested for
domestic violence. Now this. These problems are all of his own
making. Avenatti has been living a very luxurious lifestyle he
cannot afford and resorted to financially greedy, money seeking
conduct to obtain money he is not entitled to, as he did not
lawfully earn it. He has been so deep in debt, he settled a
lawsuit for $1,500,000 but hid the money from his client for the
past year, using it for his own debts.
Months ago I questioned why he needed such an
expensive office rental for his law firm, when news surfaced of
his eviction from the premises. It is clear he is trying to
project a certain image of wealth that is not an accurate one.
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