Mariah Carey's Mother And Sister Die On The
Same Day
August 27. 2024

Mariah Carey (center) her mother Patricia (right) and Mariah's
daughter Monroe (left)
Mainstream news reports indicate the mother and sister
of singer, Mariah Carey, 55, died on the same day this past weekend.
Patricia Carey, 87, and Alison Carey, 63, died in circumstances that
have not been publicly disclosed.
The Carey family has been in turmoil for decades. Alison
contracted HIV while engaging in prostitution to pay for food, clothes
and studio time for Mariah, among other items, which was very sad.
Alison also became addicted to drugs, which resulted in rehab on
different occasions. She had a rough life. Alison later sued Mariah for
financial support, citing all the assistance she gave in launching her
career. Mariah's brother Morgan engaged in violence against their
mother, Patricia, as described in the singer's biography. Mariah stated
she kept her distance from Morgan and Alison for these reasons.

Mariah Carey's sister Alison Carey was struggling
with addiction, cancer and HIV
Mariah, who suffers from bipolar disorder, among other
psychiatric conditions, stated in her biography that her mother was
jealous of her from a very early age. Mariah wrote, "Having people you
love be jealous of you professionally comes with the territory of
success, but when the person is your mother and the jealousy is revealed
at such a tender age, it's particularly painful."
Mariah took offense at a statement her mother made when
she was a teen and they were singing together in a car, revealing
Patricia stated, "You should only hope that one day you become half the
singer I am. Still, to this day, what she said haunts and hurts me."
Patricia, an opera singer, had the more dominant voice of the two.

Mariah Carey's dad Alfred Roy and Alison Carey in the 1990s (left)
and Mariah Carey and mom Patricia Carey in the 1960s (right)
Mariah also stated regarding her mother in her
biography, "Ours is a story of betrayal and beauty. Of love and
abandonment. Of sacrifice and survival. I've emancipated myself from
bondage several times, but there is a cloud of sadness that I suspect
will always hang over me, not simply because of my mother but because of
our complicated journey together." She further stated, "Our relationship
is a prickly rope of pride, pain, shame, gratitude, jealousy, admiration
and disappointment. A complicated love tethers my heart to my mother's."
Mariah released a statement on the death of her mother
and sister, which states, "My heart is broken that I've lost my mother
this past weekend. Sadly, in a tragic turn of events, my sister lost her
life on the same day. I feel blessed that I was able to spend the last
week with my mom before she passed. I appreciate everyone's love and
support and respect for my privacy during this impossible time."
Mariah's dad, Alfred Carey, died in 2002 due to a rare form of cancer.
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