Madonna's Psychotic Criminal
Conduct Worsens
Bomb Threats, Stalking, Computer And Internet
June 1. 2021

Ugly, vile Madonna
The psychotic criminal conduct of
washed up, one time singer Madonna has grown
increasingly worse. For background on Madonna's
criminal behavior please read:
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents).
As stated on the site previously,
Madonna is a deranged stalker, who pays people to
stalk others for her. I don't care about Madonna. I
don't know where she lives or where she goes. I
could care less. Yet she keeps paying people to
stalk and harass me. She's sick in the head.
I first broke the story about
Madonna hacking and stalking her ex-husband, his new wife and
their kids, which is really sick and depraved (Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired Private Investigator To
Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s Children
Confirming Previous Site Claims).
hates his new wife. She is a pretty English model,
whom he actually married for love, whereas in
Madonna's case she trapped him with a baby and had
to promise him a film career at Warner Bros where
she's signed.
Madonna has paid private
investigators to stalk and approach me in public
with criminal threats, all while I'm minding my own
business and not giving a rat's behind about her.
She has also insanely sent brainwashed members of
her Kabbalah cult to stalk, approach and threaten
They have used racial slurs, sexist
speech and xenophobic statements. They have
threatened to kidnap, rape and kill me. They tried
to kidnap me in downtown Miami, but due to the fact
I started screaming and it caught people's
attention, the vile, menacing man Madonna sent
released me and fled. A police officer tried to
catch him on foot by running after him, but he was
too far ahead of him.
This past Friday Madonna sent a
menacing, evil, imposing person who looked like a
bouncer to follow me around for several hours on
Friday evening and night while I went to the bank
and supermarket, among other places, in running
household errands. The person even followed me home,
but backed off when they saw one of my male
As stated previously on the site,
Madonna pays three
hackers to engage in hacking round the clock
in eight hour shifts. The cult hacks into different
people's computers in the entertainment and sports
industries. Madonna's hackers have also hacked into
government computers and schools.
This past weekend, one of Madonna's
hackers hacked into the security system of the gated
community I live and re-routed all calls from the
gate to our unit to block anyone from visiting us.
Friends couldn't get through the gate using the code
assigned to our unit, neither could ride share
Days prior, Madonna's hacker hacked
the lighting system of the gated community and
shutdown the security lights outside our unit. Our
unit was the only one out of dozens of units whose
security lights were off outside.
I came home at about 8PM and the
lights were on inside my home (which I couldn't see
until I got inside) but the security lights in front
of the unit were hacked and shut off, which is a
security risk. It was pitch black outside my
unit. I could barely see in the dark to get my keys
and open the front door.
Madonna's hacker also hacks the
security alarm and triggers it very loudly on a
regular basis, like yesterday for instance, on the
Memorial Day holiday. He keeps hacking and
triggering these loud, disturbing false alarms that
the whole neighborhood can hear.
Previously, Madonna had a menacingly
titled company called Strong Arm Security call my
private, unlisted number in an odd and threatening
manner. She has serious mental problems to be paying
people to do these things. She has lost the plot and
is embarrassing herself to the world. Hence her
massive decline in music and concert ticket sales
under my boycott.
In Hollywood, California, where the
U.S. entertainment industry is headquartered, there
has been a problem with "swatting", which is hackers
telephoning police with massive false claims and
causing them to descend on private homes and
properties, then do evacuations.
Swatting was not a Miami problem.
However, this year I have seen things that indicate
Madonna and her cult hackers have been up to no good
in this regard. They've been phoning in threats to
local stores in Miami I frequent (and they know I go
to these places due to them stalking me and hacking
my computers and phones, as stated above).
As stated previously on the site,
one of Madonna's
hackers works for a company called Fluor,
where he conducts electricity. There is a store in
Miami, a part of a nationwide chain, that I
accompany my mom to and twice recently the power was
mysteriously shut off and the store had to be
evacuated. In the rest of the mall of about one
hundred other stores, everyone else's lights are on,
except that one store I take my mom to regularly, as
it is her favorite.
In one incident when the power was
cut off in the store, a member of Madonna's cult
began luring my mom to a vehicle, claiming it was a
safe way out of the building. There was another
incident recently (last week). I took my mom to the
store, but my instincts told me to stay with her, as I
felt something bad was about to happen. Within
minutes someone again cut the power to the store
(meanwhile the lights were on in all the other
stores in the mall).
Someone cut the power to the
store and called in some type of bomb threat while
we were in there. The police then swarmed the store,
including K-9 unit officers doing a full search, as
if looking for a bomb. Once again, we had to
evacuate the store.
There was another incident that
occurred weeks prior at a different store. I went to
a store I buy furniture and electronics from in
Miami. In the
first incident, the ride share driver of a well-known company used by millions in America, showed up
and had a Madonna red string Kabbalah cult bracelet
on that he kept flashing, wanting me to look at the
stupid thing. He was acting and speaking in a
strange manner. I felt uncomfortable and repulsed.
The second time I went back to the
store for more furniture and electronics, using the
ride share service that is well-known in America,
when I got there another incident occurred. There
was an expensive looking suitcase chained to the
front of the building, which had people there
wondering if a bomb was inside it (yea, like that
was gonna stop me from shopping - I have shopped on
the eve of hurricanes). The store manager called
police to have the suitcase removed. Police arrived
and used special equipment to remove the suitcase.
There was another store on Miami
Beach I used to go to that Madonna then bribed the
owner to immediately start playing her music
whenever I got there. Like clockwork it would
happen. She insanely kept bribing the store manager
to do this.
Madonna and her cult also contacted
some of my friends via her hackers hacking my phone
and retrieving their numbers. Madonna's cult
contacted some of my friends harassing them,
demanding they play her music when I'm in their cars
or over at their homes. They refused.
No one wants to play or hear
Madonna's music. Madonna, much like shoulder pads,
went out of style in the 1980s.
Speaking of hacking, Madonna's
commissioned computer and phone hacking has also
gotten worse. This past week, Madonna had two men
call and threaten my mom on her private phone
number. They even read off the last four digits of
my mother's social security number. They were
aggressively and menacingly trying to question her. My mom was minding her own business
and they called and threatened her.
However, I don't
really answer my personal phone especially to
numbers I do not know, due to Madonna's cult
bombarding me with calls day and night. Someone I
know has to tell me to look out for their call
during a certain time, otherwise I don't answer my
phone. I tell my friends and family to text or email
me or call my mom's number.
I turned my ringer off due to the
insane, deranged stream of daily calls from
Madonna's cult with heavy demonic breathing,
threats, menacing speech, and invasive and insane
questions. The calls come in at all times of the day
and night, even 3AM and 4AM. I cut off all access to
me regarding crazies in Hollywood and Madonna and
her cult have been going stir crazy. So, they tried
my mom's number instead and began threatening and
harassing her, which upset her. Madonna is such a
pathetic loser.
And speak of that, Madonna's cult
keeps trying to get me to meet up with them in
public. They've repeatedly asked for this via the
internet and I've repeatedly ignored it. Yet they
keep trying. They refuse to stop this madness.
Some more examples of Madonna's
criminal madness are her moving people into the
gated community I live when they had trouble getting
people past security whenever they felt like. These
deranged cultist Madonna moved into the gated
community I live approached me and another family
member with their insane cult paraphernalia and
spoke of how Madonna's cult is paying their rent.
Madonna has sent strange people to
knock at my door demanding entry. They've refused to
leave until security were called. She has people
eavesdropping outside my front door on different
As previously stated on the site, in one
incident Madonna sent two menacing looking thugs
in suits to knock at my door, while pretending to be
the management of the gated community (we called
and they stated they did not send anyone to my
Madonna's commissioned computer and
phone hacking have reached new, sick heights. They
called my private, unlisted telephone number (prior
to me turning my ringer off) threatening me over my
internet connection.
The person pretended to be from
Comcast (cable and internet company) and lied by stating I'm sharing my internet
connection with someone in Ohio and it will be
terminated. I hung up on them. The telephone number
did not match the number Comcast would normally call
from, so I telephone their company. When I called
Comcast they stated they did not call me.
Recently, Madonna's hackers hacked
my Comcast internet service and the cable so badly,
the company had to send out a technician. After
fixing the problem, the Comcast technician told me
he changed all the wiring, as someone had tampered
with it. He also informed me that someone in an
adjacent building was illegally accessing my
internet and DVR (remember as stated above, Madonna
moved two people into a unit in the guard gated
community I live to make it easier for the cult to
stalk and harass me).
The DVR kept giving off error codes
and freezing up while watching TV or using streaming
apps. $200 cable/internet bill (monthly) and it continually
malfunctions. Shows I recorded were being erased
even though the DVR was not full and the "save for
one year" option was selected.
I warned Comcast that someone was
illegally accessing the DVR and internet to cause
this level of disruptions, then they saw it for
themselves when they sent out the technician, who
observed someone from an adjacent building illegally
accessing my DVR and internet connection. It was all
malicious hacking to be disruptive and menacing.
Then, there's the incident
concerning my mom's accountant. Madonna's cult
bribed the accountant to commit fraud. For five
years she messed up my mom's tax returns (and my mom
did not realize it).
A couple months ago I took control
of the situation. I spoke to the accountant and let
her lie and text her way into trouble. She committed
fraud in sending me a text message with a screenshot I asked for of my mom's electronic tax filing.
She claimed the screenshot she texted was my mom's
electronic tax filing, but it was not. I had already
called the IRS, who had told me nothing had been
filed. I also saw another accountant who told me the
screenshot in the text is a fake, as I had
The thing is with the IRS, whom I've
broken stories on (here
here and
here), they generally don't put you in
jail for not having the money to pay your taxes (as
you can do a payment plan). However, if you don't
file your taxes they will put you in jail for that.
I found out my mom's accountant was
not filing her taxes for years, after accepting
money to file them. I found this out when on U.S.
president Joe Biden's inauguration day, a letter
arrived from the IRS with a massive tax bill inside,
on a problem that was brewing from 2015. They had
applied the maximum allowed level of taxation plus
interest fees, because my mom's account took payment
for filing her taxes then did not do so.
So, I called my mom's account and
she lied to me that she had filed her taxes.
However, I had already called the IRS and done an
online account for my mom with them, which showed my
mom's accountant hadn't filed all her taxes. She
deliberately did not file 2-years worth of taxes
going back to 2016 and the 2-years she did file, she
deliberately did them so wrong my mom ended up owing
more money than the tax rate in America.
My mom's accountant was trying to
mess up a fifth year of my mom's taxes as well
(2020). My mom trusted this woman, who had sent her
fraudulent, falsified confirmation of her taxes
being filed. The IRS told me to put a pin code on my
mom's account to prevent her accountant from filing
anything again.
I paid another accountant several
hundred dollars to correctly redo 4-years of my
mom's taxes. He looked at the tax returns my mom's
former accountant did and was so baffled he asked,
"Why did she do this?" Well, I later found out my
mom's former accountant took a bribe.
I will disclose more about the
aforementioned incidents in a future item, naming
names, dates and places where these incidents
occurred. It's all going to go public.
I don't know how anyone gets filled
with this kind of hate and evil like Madonna. I'm a
hardworking, unbothered person. I'm easy going. I
laugh and joke with people. I help a lot of people
and for free. I have been quietly living my life,
doing my intellectual property work, and went back
to university as well. However, it's been nothing
but a barrage of unprovoked hate, violence and
malice from that vile old madwoman Madonna and her
Madonna is an absolute global
embarrassment to the U.S. government and it's only
going to get worse regarding the shame she is
causing. People are asking how the FBI has managed
to let Madonna run loose, in committing all these
criminal acts. It shows a corrupt bias where
celebrity is concerned and world history will record
it in a terrible way.
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From
George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth
Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human
Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally
Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In
Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin
Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents Showing
The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via Hacking
Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating System
Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims
Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna,
Rita Ora And Jessie J Sued Over Copyright Infringement, Invasion Of
Privacy, Commissioned Criminal Harassment And Assault Via The
Kabbalah Center