Madonna Mocked On Social Networking For Paying
Man Young Enough To Be Her Grandson To Date Her
December 23. 2019

Ugly Madonna
drinks her own pee
Desperate weirdo Madonna has been paying young men
to date her again. Previously, the New York Post exposed Madonna as
having paid young DJ, , to date her publicly. She had to give him a
condo in New York and cash. She is so pathetic.
The New York Post revealed 61-year-old Madonna is
dating a 25-year-old back-up dancer, named Ahlamalik Williams. She
has a history of dating men young enough to be her grandson, with
the hope it will make her popular with younger audiences. However,
it never works and she ends up getting mocked all over the internet.
It's amazing how if Halle Berry or Christie Brinkley
dates a younger man, no one bats an eyelash, as they are very good
looking. However, when ugly Madonna tries it everyone assumes the
younger man is being paid and is completely disgusted by the whole
thing. How embarrassing for her children.

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