Madonna Lies About Tickets To Her Celebration
Tour Selling Out As Many Seats Are Still Empty
May 6. 2023

Ugly, vile, psychotic pop singer
Madonna, cancelled her planned biopic she began
working on (LOL she knows what she's doing), after
studios expressed no interest in producing and
releasing that garbage. There's no audience for it.
Studios are already losing money. A Madonna biopic
would be throwing money down the toilet.
When young female singers, such as
Beyonce and Taylor Swift, began announcing summer
tours, weeks later Madonna did the same. Then,
madwoman Madonna put out a deceitful press releases
claiming her "Celebration" Tour has sold out,
specifically naming New York, London and Paris.
However, upon checking with Ticketmaster and other
outlets, there are still many tickets available in
the aforementioned cities. When a show is truly sold
out you can't get a ticket to it. In fact, the whole
tour is full of unsold tickets. It's all the more
embarrassing for her, as she is playing in smaller
venues, not massive stadiums.
Watch as the concert dates get
closer there will be a mad flurry to give away free
tickets to radio stations and anyone who will take
them, and chunks of the venues will be roped off, as
she tries to save face that the tour did not do
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