Madonna's Kabbalah Cult Is Engaging In Sexual
Assault, Rape And Pedophilia In A Problem That Is Pervasive In
April 7. 2021

Hideous Madonna
Deranged, psychopathic, washed up
pop singer, Madonna, is running a sick Hollywood
cult called Kabbalah. She refers to it in the
industry and in songs as the "Illuminati" and wears
items to that effect.
The cult is nothing but a criminal
outfit engaging in bank fraud, charity fraud,
criminal copyright infringement, wiretapping,
computer hacking, phone hacking, webcam hacking,
cable box and smart TV hacking, rape, pedophilia,
and commissioned assault and murder (The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)). Madonna
is connected to the Italian mafia via three people,
all known to the FBI.
One is her private investigator,
Anthony Pellicano, whom the FBI arrested and
imprisoned for 15-years, for illegal wiretapping,
computer hacking, racketeering and identity theft,
on behalf of people in Hollywood like Madonna and
her fellow Kabbalah cultist, Harvey Weinstein, among
It has been alleged by credible sources
regarding people Madonna and her cult target,
that if you are straight, Madonna's cult will force you to have gay sex
in Hollywood. If
you are gay, they will force you to have straight sex in Hollywood. However, under the
law all of this is
known as rape. And the Kabbalah cult is known for rape.
Disgraced movie producer, Harvey
Weinstein, who ran the industry with Madonna, is now in
prison on a
23-years prison sentence and is set to be tried
again in another state, for rape and sexual assault once
Weinstein and Madonna's rabbi in the Kabbalah cult,
Yehuda Berg, who who
followed me on Twitter, is a married father of five,
who was also
sued for drugging, sexually assaulting and threatening
to murder a young woman that joined the cult.
I was informed by a very credible source,
responsible for some of my site exclusives that later proved 100% true
and correct, there are members of the Kabbalah sect, such as famous,
heterosexual male athletes and separately famous lesbian entertainers,
who became suicidal after they were sexually violated in
incidents arranged and secretly recorded by the cult using hidden
cameras. The incidents took place at private homes of Hollywood cult
members and hotel suites, as
a part of the cult's sick initiation process.
People joined the cult for fame and
money, after being promised promotional opportunities on mainstream television,
radio, newspaper and internet outlets, as well as music, films,
videos, movie roles in Hollywood.
They were also promised commercials
and endorsement deals using connections Madonna and
the Kabbalah cult establish through Hollywood with
top brands in the mainstream (very famous apparel,
household, travel and insurance brands, among
others). However, the people who joined the cult did
not know at the time they had to submit to a rape
Each incident of rape and sexual assault in the
initiation is recorded, and as with Scientology's so-called therapy
sessions using their "the e-meter"
lie detector). There are allegations that
such recordings by Kabbalah and Scientology are used to blackmail
cult members to get them to do whatever the cult wants, and as leverage to prevent younger members from leaving
under the horrid abuses. Some younger members of the Kabbalah cult
are pimped out to people all over the entertainment and sports
Some of these sick sexual incidents, which
as I was told in allegations by a very credible source, include people crying as
they were being forced to engage in sex acts that go against their
sexuality, were watched by senior members of the cult, who were in
the room. They are completely perverse and deranged.
Some join the cult and keep putting
off the rape initiation. In one incident, a famous,
heterosexual athlete was drugged during a
party and anally raped by a man on the cult's orders, as he refused to do the initiation.
When he woke up and figured out what happened
regarding being raped, he was very distraught and
suicidal. He has become schizophrenic, very
aggressive and displaying all the signs of an
explosive temper.
In another incident, there is an
athlete in his twenties that Madonna and Jay Z have
been targeting for the cult, as he is popular with
audiences and they want to make money off him and
use him to promote their interests.
For example, there is a very famous,
promiscuous, biracial, bisexual rapper whose
girlfriend did a tell-all when he wouldn't support
their baby he was denying at the time. Madonna has
been sending the very famous, biracial, bisexual
rapper after a straight, famous foreign athlete in a
very aggressive manner, with the orders to coerce
him into gay sex and joining the cult, under the
insane reasoning "they are both mixed race" men, so
it would be easier for him to violate the athlete.
The athlete is heterosexual and is
resisting gay sex. He said no, but they are
criminally persisting, even threatening to ruin his
place on a top team. He has become despondent and
suicidal. Madonna is going to fall into trouble
abroad over this criminal conduct in what will
become a scandal of global proportions, for
criminally targeting, harassing, spying on and
exploiting foreign athletes who all hate her. In
fact, there are people in Hollywood who hate her too
to for harassing, spying on and exploiting them.
Madonna is going to get indicted for
criminal conduct she is engaging in. Do not join her
cult. Have no association with them lest you and
your family fall as well. People join the cult for fame and money, but soon
regret it shortly after and will further do so with coming global,
legal and social developments.
I know all the names of the people
who underwent the cult initiation of rape against
their will. The Kabbalah cult deserve to be
prosecuted for every instance of rape and sexual
assault. Madonna also sent a man after me while I
was away on a business trip, whom she ordered to
sexually assault and rape me, but I got away from
him before he got the chance.
I mentioned the incident before on
this site. They knew where I was going on the
business trip to London, due to the commissioned
hacking of my computers Madonna has been having done
via the three hackers she has on staff at the
Kabbalah centers. I made all my travel arrangements
online, like most people do. That's how they knew my
flight and hotel arrangements.
Madonna sent one of her vile cult
members, a man, to check into the room next to mine.
He tried to accost me in the hotel hallway one
evening, as I opened my purse to get the room door
keycard to get in my room. He did so with the
expressed intent of sexual assault and rape.
However, I got away from him before he could do so
by rushing into the room and slamming the door shut.
There was another incident years
prior when I went out to Los Angeles on a business
trip that Madonna interfered with three times while
I was there. She even bribed the concierge at a
hotel to ask me a very alarming question.
Then, there was a business trip
prior to that in New York where she sent a person to
stalk then approach me, and make a very alarming and
rapey comment to me. I will make all of this
information public in great detail in a forthcoming
item. I will name name and places, as Madonna is a
sick, disgusting person and a danger to innocent
men, women and children. She is commissioning
crimes, via thugs and degenerates, against innocent
people who've done her no harm. She's an obsessed,
psychotic lunatic and stalker.
There is also a serious problem with
pedophilia in the Kabbalah cult. Based on published
reports, Madonna has displayed pedophilic conduct
towards minors, such as engaging in sexual contact
with her former manager's underage 16-year-old
Madonna also pulled off the top of
an underage girl on stage in France, revealing her
bare breasts. Madonna sexually assaulted the minor
on stage for publicity while engaging in very
explicit, debauched speech to the underage girl, as
people are not paying attention to her or her career
anymore. All of Madonna's projects have been
flopping for years. She keeps going to worse
extremes in trying to shock people for attention,
but it's not working, as she's still being slammed
and ignored by audiences who refuse to buy her
I was informed of the allegation
that certain famous people in Hollywood, who are
pedophiles, contact the Kabbalah cult on a regular
basis asking "do you have a boy for me today" or "do
you have a girl for me today" regarding the human
trafficking of minors.
Madonna has a lot to answer for
within the scope of the law and is a fool to think
she has gotten away with committing many crimes. Her
day is coming. She will fall just like
Harvey Weinstein did in clear sight of the
I was the first to break the story
on Weinstein's debauched sexual conduct and
financial crimes (March 2009 and
February 2017,
then 8-months later the New York Times and New Yorker
magazine did exposés regarding Weinstein sexually
harassing, sexually assaulting and or raping over
100 women in and outside Hollywood). I'm telling you
Madonna is going to fall as well.

Bryan Singer and fellow Hollywood pedophile Kevin Spacey
Hollywood has a massive pedophilia
problem. Hollywood stars and executives such as
Charlie Sheen,
Bryan Singer,
James Gunn,
Kevin Spacey,
Harvey Weinstein,
Peter Nygard,
Gary Goddard,
R Kelly,
Chris Stokes and Marques Houston,
Brett Ratner,
Russell Simmons and
Jay Z, are but a few.
Pedophile Hollywood directors such
as the infamous, Woody Allen, and Roman Polanski,
are connected to other pedophiles, such as the late
Jeffrey Epstein. The documentary "Allen v.
Farrow" discusses Woody Allen's longtime friendship
with Jeffrey Epstein, even hosting a dinner with him
and the pedophile
Prince Andrew.
Epstein was heavily involved in
Hollywood and bankrolled their projects. Many
Hollywood stars and executives were also visitors to
Epstein's notorious "pedophile island" (Little Saint
James in the U.S. Virgin Islands) where they had sex
with underage girls. Many Hollywood stars and
executives also molested underage girls at Epstein's
homes in America. They are silent hoping not to get
Hollywood is promoting satanic,
pedophilic influencers such as
James Charles and entertainers like
Lil Nas, with the sick goal of trying to
normalize pedophilia to American and global
audiences, as this is what many people in Hollywood
actively engage in everyday (pedophilia).
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From
George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth
Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human
Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally
Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In
Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin
Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents Showing
The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via Hacking
Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating System
Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims
Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna,
Rita Ora And Jessie J Sued Over Copyright Infringement, Invasion Of
Privacy, Commissioned Criminal Harassment And Assault Via The
Kabbalah Center
Boycott First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation And Coester VMS Who Are
Scammers And Con Artists Engaging In Discrimination While Ripping
Off People Seeking Mortgages
Madonna's Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty Racist
Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony Joshua, Daniel Kaluuya)
Pedophile Director Bryan Singer To Pay $150,000 To Settle Sexual Assault
Case Where He Raped An Underage Boy