Madonna Is Threatening Famous People Over
Social Networking And Is Commissioning Acts Of Criminal StalkingApril 25. 2020

Psychotic, washed up pop singer Madonna is
completely demented and obsessed (The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)).
Madonna has made a career out of
stealing copyrighted songs, videos, photos and movies (The Many Singers,
Writers, Producers, Directors And Artists Madonna Has Stolen From
For Her Fraudulent Career). Madonna's entire
career is fake, as it is based on criminal theft of
intellectual property.
As stated previously on the site,
Madonna's business partner and fellow Hollywood cult
member ("Kabbalah" and "Illuminati" as they call
themselves), Harvey Weinstein, had 91 private
investigators on staff, whom he used to illegally spy
on, threaten and harass many defenseless women in the
entertainment industry (Rapist Harvey Weinstein Has 91 People Under Surveillance By
Private Investigators In Trying To Bully And Silence His Victims).
Weinstein was also mixed up with Italian
mafia private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, who went
to prison for 15-years, after myself and others went to
the FBI about their brazen criminal conduct in engaging
in illegal wiretapping, hacking, identity theft,
harassment, stalking and racketeering.
After I broke the story on Weinstein's
sexual depravity in
March 2009
February 2017,
he was destroyed by the New York Times and New Yorker
magazine in the mainstream press in October 2017. His
career never recovered from it nor did his freedom. It
resulted in Weinstein being prosecuted and sentenced to
prison for sex crimes against women (Harvey Weinstein Transported To The
Hospital After Being Found Guilty In New York Rape And Sexual Assault
Trial ).
Weinstein is currently in prison and
awaiting trial on a second case, after losing his
entertainment company, millions of dollars and his name
(Harvey Weinstein Sentenced To
23-Years In Prison In New York Rape Trial (Video)).
criminal behavior continues to grow worse, much like Weinstein's
had, until he was thrown in prison, indicating that like
a true stalker and psychotic, she refuses to stop and
has no intention of doing so. I am still being stalked
and harassed by members of her cult and illegally spied
on by her private investigators.
Madonna has also insanely been aggressively
targeting and harassing famous people on social networking that I
have interacted with online. Someone tipped me off that Madonna has criminally
threatened and harassed famous people I've interacted with on Twitter.
For some reason it is triggering psycho Madonna, though said
interactions have nothing to do with her. At the end of the
day, it's none of her business.
I write about entertainment, sports and politics on
a regular basis. My articles are well read and heavily referenced
via links from thousands of other sites. As such, many people in
those fields follow me on social networking, due to having read my
sites, such as this one (the Judiciary Report).
I briefly wrote about this subject previously, regarding
harassing and threatening three famous gospel
singers, who are solo artists, all because they followed me on Twitter.
Threatening gospel singers is a massive low. Only scum would do
something like that. She is evil and disgusting.
Madonna has also
threatened and harassed famous entertainers, songwriters, producers,
radio personalities, television personalities, male models and
athletes regarding me. I found out Madonna has been contacting
famous men
and in some cases their representatives, and making vile threats regarding
me, simply because they interacted with me on social networking.
They are perplexed and taken aback by her sick behavior.
What kind of psychopath takes Twitter that seriously. What kind
of lunatic and loser goes that far. It's so pathetic. I've known
about what she has been doing in this regard. Therefore, I don't
know what that idiot Madonna thinks she is
accomplishing in doing such sick and illegal things, in criminally
harassing people over social networking. She looks like
an absolute fool and stalker.
For instance, Madonna threatened the life of an
international athlete and his little son, over his interactions with
me on social networking (which had nothing to do with her, so I
don't know why she stuck her ugly, bird beak nose into it).
Ugly muppet face Madonna also threatened the career of a
famous international athlete that my family and friends in the
international community know.
Madonna threatened a famous
international actor that she'd ruin his career by
getting him blacklisted in Hollywood, as he'd simply interacted with
me online in what was completely innocuous on his part
and mine.
Madonna threatened a very famous retired athlete because he followed me on Twitter and vice
versa. He read my sports articles and tweets, liked them and
followed me. Madonna lost what was left of her mind and
started threatening him.
Madonna threatened a world famous
athlete who innocuously and platonically interacted with
me online (we have mutual friends). He was shocked,
horrified and taken aback at Madonna's insane reaction.
Another famous international athlete that followed me on Twitter whom I
interacted with online (about sports) Madonna insanely sent one of
her cult members to his house with harassing behavior, which
constitutes several felonies.
famous international athlete that interacted with me online, Madonna sent one of
her sick cult members to stalk and harass him while he was training.
He was shocked and horrified.
There are other incidents as well. At
first I didn't realize what was happening until someone
tipped me off. It is not normal human behavior for her
to be harassing and threatening people for interacting
with others online. It's quite sick, deranged and crazy.
The full
truth is going to come out about all her vile conduct (and in houses
of legislature) regarding
these famous athletes and entertainers she has threatened, among
others (as a part of a larger criminal matter). It is
going to be one of the worst days of her life, due to the
embarrassment of it all. She has serious mental problems to be
terrorizing and threatening people.
She is out of her pathetic mind to think
it is her place to do these things. No one needs her
permission to do anything. Here's the thing. I'm on Twitter for the jokes and
to gauge public opinion on a host of items my readers have seen
me write about on this site and others. I don't owe ugly, turd face Madonna
any explanation for anything (neither does anyone else).
I have never tweeted at Madonna and do not know what
she tweets, as I don't follow or go to her crap social networking
pages. I don't care. The only time I find out about the foolishness
she writes on social networking is when I read a blog or pop culture
website, and her idiocy (on social networking) is written about on
their pages. Most of the time I skip those items about her, unless
it is of some use on this site regarding exposing her criminal
behavior (illegal wiretapping in the Anthony Pellicano case,
copyright infringement, ect).
What I've also discovered is Madonna has been insanely
mimicking the items on my Twitter page on her social networking
pages. She also takes items from the Judiciary Report and mimics
them on her social networking pages. She really is a weird,
pathetic, mindless idiot.
Madonna also continues to target famous
athletes, entertainers and businesspeople she reads
about online. They are approached by her and other
members of her cult, with the insane line, "we are the
Illuminati organization." Then, they are asked to join
Madonna's sick cult. Madonna makes them all sorts of
promises regarding what she will do for their careers.
However, what she and her cult actually do is extort huge sums of money from famous entertainers,
athletes and businesspeople. They also spy on, blackmail and abuse them.
For example, Madonna and Jay Z sent a woman to have
sex with a promising young athlete, who has been making a name for
himself over the past two years. The woman was sent as an inducement to join the cult.
However, she gave him herpes. Then, due to the fact he was initially unaware he had
herpes, he and his family continued their life long practice of
sharing utensils and cups in their home. Then, his mother and siblings contracted
herpes as
well due to that.
The family is devastated over it. His
family is breaking up over Madonna targeting and
harassing them. His relatives are looking to move out of
the young athlete's home, which is upsetting him.
To add insult to
injury, Madonna has been demanding huge sums of money from the young
athlete's paychecks. He only joined the cult because Madonna promised to get him regular playing time every week
in his sport and new
lucrative endorsements.
However, his once promising career has
been steadily going down the toilet under the mental
harassment and threats coming from Madonna and her cult,
who are illegally spying on and threatening him on a
regular basis (which is damaging his mental health).
The coach of his team could not give him
much playing time (before the current coronavirus
lockdown) due to his dip in form or the team could lose,
which would mean greater problems. An athlete will
struggle to play well under those circumstances.
Therefore, Madonna's promises of getting him more game
time and additional endorsements were in vain. He's not
the only athlete she has done this to, in conduct that
has been ruining promising careers due to her insane
madness and false promises.
Many of the entertainers and athletes
Madonna has been criminally targeting are foreigners.
Madonna's conduct constitutes disgraceful acts of
ill-will. Madonna and her cult are also engaging in
criminal acts damaging to other nations (from which some of these
athletes and entertainers hail).
I predict the matter will
end up in houses of legislature, such as Congress, much like
the Harvey Weinstein matter did last year
(and my predictions happen very often:
site exclusives). I
also predict Madonna
will lose her money, due to the criminal behavior she is engaging in,
which is going to bring a world of trouble on the government, as the
FBI has known about her psychotic criminal behavior
(much like they did Weinstein) and allowed her to roam
free, harming many innocent people.
Madonna and her Kabbalah cult are actively engaging
in criminal conduct damaging to foreign nations in the Caribbean and
Britain. It is going to culminate into a massive international
scandal and the FBI, among others, will be blamed for the damage
Madonna and her cult have been engaging in behind the scenes.
Madonna is still engaging in commissioned criminal
computer and email hacking, wiretapping, stalking, breaking an entry
and racketeering, among other crimes. She even criminally stalks and
spies on her ex-husband Guy Ritchie and his new family, via private
investigators and her brainwashed Kabbalah cult "chevre" as she
calls them, which is very creepy (Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired Private Investigator To
Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s Children
Confirming Previous Site Claims).
Madonna still has private investigators
and her deranged cult members following and filming
me when I go out in public. They also continue to approach me with reckless,
threatening and invasive speech, all of which is unwelcome.
Just 2-weeks ago, a member of her cult tried to crack
my skull open with a large bottle outside the supermarket. However, as his aim, much
like her singing is terrible, he missed. I could have ended up seriously
injured had I not been alert.
Previously, on a Christmas day flight from London,
England, Madonna sent one of her cult members on the flight to
engage in harassment. Madonna's crazy cult member had a difficult time boarding at
Heathrow. She had about a dozen plastic bags that were empty and a
few very old paper shopping bags from stores that also appeared
I've never seen anyone board a plane
with a dozen empty, used shopping bags. She also had a
bag as a carryon. She was
dressed in a weird, crazy manner. She also behaved in a crazy and erratic manner.
She got into an argument with the airline staff at check-in, who did
not want to permit her to board the flight. They were
very hesitant. The
staff looked tense and taken aback.
Towards the end of the flight, Madonna's insane cult
member took a loose laptop from the
overhead compartment and deliberately swung it around at me while I
sat in the middle seat in a row of three. She was trying to crack my
skull with the laptop on Christmas Day to ruin my holiday (as stated
previously on the site, Madonna's cult has repeatedly tried to harm
me on holidays and birthdays,
which psychologists state is conduct indicative of deranged
I had turned my head to the left for a split second to
look towards the window and that's why the madwoman
missed and ended up hitting the elderly lady to the
right of me. It made a loud thud. Madonna's insane cult
member was shocked and terrified that she hit the old
lady who began screaming in pain.
She meant to hit me in a deliberate act
and it went horribly wrong. No one
removes a laptop from a overhead compartment and swings it around
in a circle like that. Had I not moved my head I would have taken a terrible
blow to the head.
She freaked out when she realized she hit the wrong
person. She began grabbing the old lady's head, rubbing it
aggressively and trying to get her to stop screaming. However, as
the mad cultist was vigorously rubbing a head injury, it caused the
little old lady to scream out in pain even more. She began screaming
at the madwoman to get off her. A flight attendant was called over
the incident. More on that incident in a future item (video).
Prior to that, there was an incident
where Madonna sent a male cult member to follow me from
Miami, Florida out to my homeland of Jamaica. He stared
at me the whole flight with his widened, wild eyes. He
looked like a brainwashed madman. He tried to enter the
country with false papers and a bogus story, but was
detained by customs in Kingston. I asked an officer on
duty what happened and he told me. Jamaica is one of the
easiest places in the world to visit. I'd never seen
something like that happen before. Madonna sent someone
out to Jamaica under false pretenses to follow me home
on the flight and engage in criminal mischief against
Madonna's commissioned stalking has been deeply depraved.
Due to Madonna's acts of
commissioned hacking,
via three hackers she has on staff, they know which
flights I take and hotels I stay in when I'm away on
business. I have letters from hosting companies
regarding the hacking activity that has taken place
regarding my accounts. Madonna has also foolishly and
incriminatingly stated verbatim in her public interviews
things written in some of my private TIME STAMPED emails
(which I have saved as evidence).
Madonna has sent
some of her cult members to check into hotels they stalked me to in London and
Los Angeles, when I went to those places on business. It has
repeatedly shown itself to be a horrendous criminal risk
to my safety.
In one incident she bribed a concierge at a Los Angeles
hotel to state something highly alarming to me (which I will reveal
in a future video, disclosing the name of the hotel and exactly what
he said). A threat was also made against my life by her,
via cult members she sent to stalk me to Hollywood & Highland, while I was out shopping (which I will reveal in
a future video).
I was in Los Angeles to film items for
music videos (that had/have nothing to do with Madonna). I was in
Los Angeles minding my own business. However, Madonna sent members
of her cult to stalk and criminally harass me, even though I deliberately
avoided all celebrity hangouts during the trip.
During one of my trips to London,
England on business, Madonna sent one of her vile cult members to
check into the hotel room next to mine. I was by myself and nearly
sexually assaulted by the man Madonna sent, as I went to
my hotel room one evening. More on that incident in a
future video.
I read an item on another site that
stated Madonna would stalk people like athlete Dennis
Rodman, who had dumped her, and check into the hotel
room next to his (after bribing the concierge for the
information), then call his room making crazy comments
while he was there with new wife Carmen Elektra. She's
done this to other famous men as well. So, this is a
pattern of sick criminal conduct from Madonna, in
bribing concierges for private hotel room information.
It's not the first time she has done
something like that, regarding sending a man to engage
in criminal behavior against me (regarding the London
hotel incident). Previously in downtown Miami, she sent
a vile, disgusting, evil man, who made vicious threats,
began telling me my personal information one could only
get from illegal wiretapping, and then tried to sexually
assault me near the courthouse.
Madonna is deranged. What kind of
person, especially a woman, sends someone to threaten
and try to sexually assault another woman. She is
contemptible and disgusting. She belongs behind bars.
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From
George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth
Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human
Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally
Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In
Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin
Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents Showing
The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via Hacking
Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating System
Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims
Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money
Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing Egregious Human Rights
Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce,
Rihanna, Rita Ora And Jessie J Sued Over Copyright Infringement,
Invasion Of Privacy, Commissioned Criminal Harassment And Assault
Via The Kabbalah Center
Rita Ora Ripped To Shreds On Social Networking For Referring To
Conor McGregor As Her Date Despite The Fact He Has A Longterm
Girlfriend And New Son At Home (Jay Z Pimping Her Out Again For
His Roc Nation Sports)
Adrien Broner Says F**k Jay Z, Rihanna And Her P***y After The
Rapper Pimps Her Out Again (Video)
Jay Z Pimped Out Rihanna In The
Industry To The Point She Had To Go See A DoctorRihanna
Has Herpes
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