Madonna Being Mocked Behind Her
Back In
Hollywood Over Her Terrible Plastic Surgery
August 16. 2021

Madonna's plastic surgery has gone so wrong
Madonna is being laughed at and
mocked behind her back in Hollywood, as her latest
round of plastic surgery has gone spectacularly
wrong again. People are literally making jokes about
it in the industry. Madonna has spent over
$1,000,000 on plastic surgery and continues to
surface looking worse each time.
Madonna had another facelift and
more fillers. This is after previous nose jobs,
facial fillers and work on her angular, boomerang
looking jawline. The
surgeries are looking scary on her. It's also making
the bags under her eyes more prominent, as they are
stretching and pulling her face so much.

Madonna and the embarrassed younger man she is
paying to date her. Social networking has been
trolling him stating he is only doing it for the
money and is disgusted with himself and by the site
of her.
Previously, Madonna had butt
implants that look ridiculous and laughable, as
she's trying to look like Kim Kardashian and Nicki
Minaj. However, it was laughed at by audiences when
she unveiled it at an Ariana Grande show.
Social networking made fun of Madonna stating it
looked like a diaper (nappy).
Madonna's latest round of plastic
surgery, in trying to keep up with young singers
like Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift, literally has
her looking like a muppet. She looks mummified. All
this plastic surgery has made her look 20-years
older than her age.

Madonna (LOL)
It's amazing how some entertainers
have plastic surgery and look good, but it keeps
going wrong with Madonna. What's the sense of having
plastic surgery only to come out looking worse
with audiences laughing and mocking your appearance.
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