Madonna Asks Prince Harry And Meghan
Markle To Rent Her New York Apartment Which Is A
Security And Privacy RiskMarch 4. 2020

Archie, Meghan and Harry
Psychotic, washed up,
pop singer Madonna has publicly made a request
that Prince Harry (the Duke of Sussex) and his wife
Meghan Markle (the Duchess of Sussex) rent her New York
apartment, as they've resigned from the British royal
family. Madonna has been on a flopped concert tour where
everything went wrong and she grossed very little money
(Madonna Madam X Tour Was A Complete
Disaster). Not to mention, the condo board of her apartment
building can't stand her and a judge ruled against her
for terrorizing them (Judge Throws Out Madonna's Lawsuit And States She Is ‘Harassing' People).
Leasing from attention seeking pervert
Madonna would pose an enormous security and privacy risk
to the couple and their 10-month-old son Archie. Madonna
has illegally wiretapped, phone hacked and computer
hacked people via private investigators, such as Anthony
Pellicano, and had surveillance items unlawfully and
secretly placed in people's homes and offices. She is a
very sick, demented, hard up old voyeur, who gets her
nasty kicks from secretly spying on people in their
homes, hotel rooms and businesses (The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)).
Madonna is the individual who made
singer Britney Spears insane via spying on her 24-hours
per day, via private investigators and
hackers. Years ago
paparazzi revealed in the mainstream press that Spears
was given a teddy bear that contained a hidden camera
(pinhole camera). Madonna had her cult member
Sam Lufti place the teddy bear in
Spears' home, while he was illegally controlling every
aspect of her life and stealing her money for the cult.
Madonna and other members of her Kabbalah cult then used
the hidden camera in the teddy bear to secretly watch
and listen to Spears in her home (without Spears'
knowledge or that of her children and staff).

Then they began throwing in Spears' face
the contents of what they secretly saw in Spears home.
The cult threatened to take her children over her drug
use if she didn't do everything they demanded (large
donations, promoting Madonna to Spears' fans). Spears
did not realize she was being secretly spied on via the
teddy bear with the hidden camera inside. She wrongly
thought the cult had physic powers and could see
everything, even what happens behind closed doors. It
caused her to develop paranoid schizophrenia. She had a
complete psychotic break. She flushed her system and
shaved her head to avoid drug testing via hair sample,
as they threatened to take her kids.
Madonna engaged in very evil and abusive
acts aimed at taking Spears' $300,000,000 fortune via
Lufti (much like she illegally spied on millionaire
athlete Alex Rodriguez in his home to extract
$20,000,000 from him and broke up his marriage, which
was detailed in his wife's divorce petition in Miami).
Madonna also began wrecking Spears' hit
career out of jealousy. When Spears began to get big in
the industry, they kept referring to her as the new
Madonna and Madonna's replacement. This enraged Madonna,
who did her level best to destroy Spears, even calling
music producers and demanding songs they wrote for
Spears. Then Madonna had a make-over to look and sound
like Spears, but it failed.

Britney Spears
Madonna engaged in similarly abusive
conduct towards other new singers such as Courtney Love,
whose career she tried to destroy, after trying to morph
into Love for her "Ray of Light" album. Madonna hired
Love's stylist, hair stylist and make-up artist to make
her look like Love, who had debuted shortly before with
the grunge scene in Seattle.
Madonna is so sick and perverted, she's
even been spying on her ex-husband, Guy Ritchie and his
new family, jealous that he married another woman after
leaving her (Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired Private Investigator To
Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s Children
Confirming Previous Site Claims).
Madonna has a housing offer for Meghan Markle and
Prince Harry
Updated 4:00 AM ET, Wed February 5, 2020
- (CNN)Madonna has a message for Meghan Markle and
Prince Harry: Forget Canada and move to New York City
instead. And once in the Big Apple, rent out the pop
star's apartment in the exclusive Central Park West.
In a video posted on social media Tuesday, the singer
reached out to the royal couple, who announced their
decision to step back as senior members of the royal
family last month.
"Do Megan [sic] and Prince Harry want to
sublet my apartment on Central Park West??" the caption
read. In the video, she shares her thoughts with her
hairdresser on why she believes New York -- and her
place -- are a better idea. "Don't run off to Canada,
It's so boring there," she says before describing her
apartment. "Two bedrooms, it's got the best views of
Manhattan. Incredible balcony -- I think that's gonna be
a winner," she adds. "Buckingham Palace has got nothing
on CPW."...
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From
George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth
Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human
Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally
Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In
Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin
Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents Showing
The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via Hacking
Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating System
Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims
Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money
Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing Egregious Human Rights
Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce,
Rihanna, Rita Ora And Jessie J Sued Over Copyright Infringement,
Invasion Of Privacy, Commissioned Criminal Harassment And Assault
Via The Kabbalah Center
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)
Madonna's Kabbalah Cult Is A Threat To British National Security
(Harvey Weinstein, Rupert Murdoch, Kevin Spacey)
Judge Slaps Sam Lufti With A Restraining Order For Terrorizing Britney
Spears And Her Family
Madwoman Madonna Drinking Her Own
Urine Is A Sign Of Severe Mental Illness
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