Kanye West Running For President Of
The United States Being Met With
Skepticism As A Ploy To Help President Trump (Video)July 10. 2020
Chicago rapper, Kanye West, has announced he is
running for president in 2020 U.S. presidential election. West made
the announcement via the social networking website Twitter.com. West
is married to vapid reality star, Kim Kardashian. The couple have
four children.

Kim and Kanye posing with their children
West is a friend and supporter of U.S. president Donald Trump
and the rapper's campaign is being met with skepticism. Democrats
are openly stating online that West's candidacy is a ploy to take
African-American votes away from Joe Biden, to assist Trump.

Kim and Kanye
West's has a large fanbase and he would certainly
take some African-American youth votes from Biden. However, what would work
against him in running for president is the fact he was
involuntarily committed to a psychiatric ward in Los Angeles, after
a few years of the craziness of Kardashians and Jenners, as well as
his Hollywood cult
Jay Z and Madonna, caused him to snap.
Kanye West And Kim Kardashian Steal
Copyrighted Song From A 5-Year-Old Rapper (Videos)
Kim Kardashian Slammed On Social
Networking For Profiting Off Coronavirus Pandemic