Kanye West Polling At 2% In The 2020
U.S. Presidential Election Is Nothing To Sneeze At
August 13. 2020

Kanye West
Rapper and reality star, Kanye West, is
polling at 2% in his bid to become President of the
United States. Republicans are aiding West, an ally of
President Donald Trump, as his presidential bid will
take black votes from rival Democrats, Joe Biden and
Kamala Harris.
Some laughing at West's 2% shows they
don't know much about politics. The 2000 U.S.
presidential election regarding Gore vs. Bush was
hanging in the balance based on roughly a few hundred
votes (Florida). Then the late Supreme Court justice Anthony Scalia corruptly decided it.

Kanye West met with President Donald Trump at the White
House in 2018
West's current 2% represents millions of
votes in a large electorate. To put that in perspective
for you, in the 2016 presidential election, Hillary
Clinton's popular vote count was recorded as 65,844,610.
Trump's was recorded as 62,979,636. An additional
7,804,213 votes were cast by independents. That's
approximately 128,000,000 votes cast.
If the polls hold up, West would receive
at least 2,560,000 of the votes, many by young
African-Americans. That's more than enough to split the
vote. Biden and Harris are being slammed in the black
community for the mass incarceration of
African-Americans via their political policies (Biden as
senator and Harris as the Attorney General of the State
of California).
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