Joe Biden's Dog Will Receive
Anti-Bite Training After Biting Two People At The
White House In Separate Incidents
April 14. 2021

Major: I
broke the leg and I'm gonna bite him next. Joe's
been looking a little juicy since Easter.
Joe Biden adopted rescue dog, Major,
and brought him to the White House. Shortly after,
Major bit a member of White House staff. He was
briefly sent to live elsewhere. Then, Major returned
to the White House and bit a second person.

Major: these people are delicious!
Someone stated to me that maybe the
dog was being protective of Biden, to which I stated
with a smile, "Is that why the dog broke his leg (President-Elect Joe Biden Broke His
Leg In Two Places (Video))." At the end of the day, I'm of the
belief Major is a Republican (LOL). Don't give me
that look, because you don't know who Major voted
for in the election (I'm kidding).
Joe Biden's dog, Major, bites
second person in a month
Wed 31 Mar 2021 12.54 EDT - First
published on Wed 31 Mar 2021 05.41 EDT - Joe Biden’s
dog, Major, has been involved in its second biting
incident in a month, the White House has said. The
dog “nipped someone while on a walk” on Monday,
according to Jill Biden’s press secretary, Michael
LaRosa. The animal “is still adjusting to his new
surroundings”, he said. The individual was seen by
the White House medical unit “out of an abundance of
caution” and returned to work without injury.
Reporters had seen Major on a walk
around the White House South Lawn before the
president and first lady travelled to the Vietnam
Veterans Memorial early on Monday evening. The
German shepherd only returned to the White House
last week, along with his older sibling Champ, after
causing a minor injury to an employee of the US
Secret Service on 8 March...
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