President-Elect Joe Biden Broke His Leg In Two Places (Video)November 30. 2020
President-elect Joe Biden has broken his leg in two
places while playing tug-of-war with his dog this past Saturday.
Biden slipped, fell and injured himself. So basically, the dog won.
Biden was quietly taken to a medical facility for treatment. The
initial x-ray of his leg did not show the fractures. However, a CT
scan captured the injury.

Joe Biden: "I fought the law dog and the
law dog
Biden, who has been walking with a limp due to the
double fracture, and has been fitted for a boot, which he must wear for
the next several weeks to allow the bone to heal correctly. He is
off to a bad start as president-elect in what I predict is only a
small preview of many serious troubles to come regarding the ailing
78-year-old politician.
Biden is the first president-elect to display the
very noticeable signs of dementia. While campaigning this year for
president, Biden stated he was running for senator in Congress. He
is repeatedly confused, distant and under a serious brain fog.

Joe Biden and Barack Obama
Due to having suffered serious strokes
and aneurysms, Biden is now suffering from dementia. The
aneurysms required extensive surgery. During the
procedure a surgeon saws into the head, which is
traumatic in itself, to relieve pressure and clip the
It's not some small procedure. It has
lingering side effect, on top of those present with having strokes
and aneurysms that required brain surgery. However, Biden is just a
figurehead. They are going to prop him up at all costs, no matter
his health problems, while former president Barack Obama pulls the
strings in the background.
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