Joe Biden Administration Caught
Stealing Votes From Republicans And Independents And
Giving Them To Democrats To Win Congress In 2022
Midterm Elections
November 14. 2022

Joe Biden
Independent candidate, Diane Sare,
revealed she went to bed election night with over
50,408 votes, but when she woke up the next morning,
she was down to 29,954 votes. 3-days later she was
down to 25,840 votes. Meanwhile, Democrat Chuck
Schumer saw his votes go through the roof during the
election. That is election fraud.
All over the country the Biden
administration has been fraudulently taking votes
from independents and Republicans, and giving them
to Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections. This is
despicable and undemocratic. This is how Biden ended
up with an unprecedented 81 million votes in the
2020 presidential election. Biden and his
Barack Obama, cheated in the 2020 election.

Diane Sare
Last week in the State of Nevada,
hundreds of thousands of voters were disenfranchised
when mysterious problems occurred at 223 poll
stations in areas with a sizeable Republican base.
The voting machines mysteriously would not work,
while others did not have any ink, prompting mass
closures, as reported in the Wall Street Journal.
They turned everyone away, disenfranchising voters
in an area with many Republicans.
Republicans were ahead in the two
days proceeding Election day in Nevada. Then, out of
nowhere votes were mysteriously found that put the
Democrats way ahead, indicating fraud. They keep
coming up with these vote dumps, regarding huge
amounts of votes mysteriously manifesting out of
nowhere for the Democrats. They are fabricating

Item on Twitter about election fraud
As the phrase goes, "God does not
like ugly." It is a serious sin to rob another
person of their place in history, and make no
mistake, God is is going to punish it. In fact, I
predict unprecedented disaster, financial ruin and
political failure is coming regarding Congress and
the White House for all this dishonest, disgraceful
electoral fraud.
You should not have changed the
result of the election You don't do wicked things
like that and receive the blessing of God. You will
get the opposite from Him for being scheming,
treacherous and devious. How dare you disenfranchise
all these people.
Before (50,408 votes):

After (29,954 votes):

Election fraud in 2022 midterms reveals that
overnight votes were stole from candidate Diane Sare
and given to other candidates. She went from 50,408
votes to 25,840 in 3-days indicating the
election was rigged.
It's always the wicked ones like you
in life who arrogantly think you know more than
everyone else; therefore should overrule and
override others, destroying what is good,
decent and honest, because you want to run things
(and always run it into the ground).
The election was rigged. Therefore,
Biden was not supposed to be President and that's a
serious sin to do something like that on such a
grand scale. Then he went into office and failed
with his COVID response, made reckless decisions
that got people killed in Afghanistan, and wrecked
the U.S. economy with his nonsensical financial
policies that has produced record inflation. .

Look at the fraudulent numbers in the 2022
midterm elections that were posted for Democrat,
Josh Shapiro, showing him ahead when it was actually
his Republican rival winning. It gives the
appearance of hacking the vote. That's how hackers
work when they are playing around with numbers and
files, then try to clean up their trail.
What's almost as disgusting is
Biden's arrogance in bragging about a presidential
election he stole. Give him another five minutes and
he will start bragging about the midterms, stating
"democracy won" when cheating won. Why tempt God
like that with your arrogance and fraud. The
cheating they have done is the exact opposite of
democracy and it is going to backfire in a massive
Under Joe Biden America lost its
spot as the world number one, as I predicted would
happen (China Overtakes America As The
Richest Nation In The World Confirming Previous Site Claims). By
his own admission Biden is breaking America so he
can put it back together again, which is insane (Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A
'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S.
Economy To Bring It About (Videos)). What he is doing is

The 2020 U.S. Presidential election was rife
with fraud. Votes were counted, but then were stolen
via hack, from Trump to give Biden a bizarre
landslide victory. One of the most disliked
politicians in U.S. history received more votes than
any president ever...and all through fraud.
The man can't even
ride a bike,
let alone fix the U.S. economy and the climate
change problem that is going wallop America within
the next few years. Unprecedented problems are
coming and Biden will not be able to fix them.
The President of the United States
is a dementia plagued man, who separately is also a
maniac. Biden is leading America into
civil war
and nuclear war (he's already talking about it),
both of which he will lose, and America will never
be the same again. All because this madman Biden and
his handlers were allowed to cheat in
elections (and they are going to do it again in
Biden needs to leave office, as he
is bringing failure, trouble and disaster on
America, in what is about to get exponentially worse
regarding the economy, social issues and the climate
Arizona’s Maricopa County Encounters
Voting-Machine Problems
Updated 10 hours ago - Vote
tabulation machines in about 20% of 223 voting
centers in Arizona’s Maricopa County were
malfunctioning and not accepting some completed
ballots as designed, county officials said
Bill Gates, chairman of the county
board of supervisors, said about one in five ballots
weren’t being accepted by the malfunctioning
machines in Arizona's most populous county, which
includes Phoenix.
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