Inflation Skyrockets In America Sending Gas To Record High
11. 2022

President Joe Biden
The Biden administration is doing a terrible job of managing
the U.S. economy. Inflation keeps soaring and now gas has hit an all time
high. People can't afford food and countless landlords across the country
have risen rents to outrageous prices.
Biden has been in office 2-years and things have only gotten
worse. While campaigning for president, Biden made promises I stated would
not work. I also wrote he would not manage the economy well. The items I
wrote later proved true (Joe Biden Tax Plan Slammed And
Debunked On '60 Minutes' and
Joe Biden Slammed In The Press For
Declaring Victory Over Coronavirus Too Soon Leading To More Cases And
Deaths In A Fourth Wave Of The Virus (Video)).
The terrible state of the U.S. economy has increased
homelessness in America. This is a terrible development. Some can't afford
food or the sharply rising price of rent, and it resulted in them becoming
homeless. The manner in which Biden is mismanaging the economy means a lot
more people are in danger of ending up on the streets.
Gas prices hit all-time highs with no immediate relief in sight
May 10, 2022, 12:31 PM EDT - The average price of a gallon
of gasoline now stands at $4.37, surpassing the previous record high set
March 11. After a brief lull, gas prices are climbing again and have
returned to all-time highs. The average price of a gallon of gasoline now
stands at $4.37, surpassing the previous record high set March 11, according
to the American Automobile Association.
Drivers in Michigan, Ohio and New Jersey, where gas prices
have increased by between 19 and 30 cents a gallon in just one week as of
Sunday, have felt the most pain. The price surge is tied directly to rising
oil prices, which hovered around $100 on Tuesday...
Joe Biden Slammed In The Press For
Declaring Victory Over Coronavirus Too Soon Leading To More Cases And
Deaths In A Fourth Wave Of The Virus (Video)
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