If President Joe Biden Economy Is As
Good As He Claims Why Are So Many Businesses Laying
Off Workers And Closing Stores And Branches
August 30. 2023

Joe Biden
As the Biden administration
continues to finesse and manipulate economic data in
efforts to fraudulently prop up his failed economy, why are so
many employers in America laying off people. Pfizer,
Apple, GM, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon,
Goldman Sachs, Walmart, T-Mobile, Walgreens, CVS,
Disney, Netflix, Nordstrom, the Gap, Farmers
Insurance, Grubhub, Robinhood, Binance, Niantic and
Salesforce, among other companies. 72 hospitals and
health systems in America announced layoffs. That's
a lot of jobs gone. None of this is the behavior of
a booming economy. That is the behavior of an
economy in decline.
Several U.S. banks have failed,
wiping out billions of dollars. The banks that
didn't fail are closing branches to cut costs, due
to revenue declines. Some banks had to lend others
money at the designated overnight rates, and didn't
get it back or received a partial repayment. A
number of banks in America have discretely
implemented new rules which set a limit on how much
money customers can withdraw (to prevent a run on
their banks). The economy is not in good shape under
Yet the public is to believe the
Biden economy is great and the best in history.
These people are crazy. Biden and
Obama are frauds. One
has dementia and the other a
drug habit. They know nothing about business
or growing an economy. They are power hungry and
have placed America in great peril to satisfy their
Even in the face of all these
massive layoffs, Biden is still falsely claiming the
U.S. economy is growing and gaining jobs. They will
say anything to stay in office, even to America's
detriment. Biden continues to insist inflation
has dropped, but the fact of the matter is gas,
food and housing prices have risen and are still high.
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