Cocaine Found In The White House
Confirming Previous Site Claims
July 4. 2023

Barack Obama and Joe Biden
In previous articles on this site
I've made reference to cocaine being present in the
White House. During Barack Obama's time in office as
President, I wrote in a November 4, 2016 article
Hollywood brought cocaine into the White House
for its occupants.

President Barack Obama and his daughter Malia Obama have
done cocaine. Obama has done cocaine and smoked weed. Malia
has been filmed by classmates at Harvard high out of her
mind on cocaine. She is also an alcoholic.
More recently I made reference to a
certain former president, who can't seem to let go
of the White House. On May 29,. 2023, in the article
Ceiling Agreement Reached But President Joe Biden
Continues To Recklessly Spend Money Harming
America's Financial Profile Domestically And
Internationally" I stated, "It's a mystery why the leading
Democrats in Congress who know about Biden being a
figurehead, thought a dementia patient (Joe
Biden) and man who did copious amounts of
cocaine and marijuana (Barack Obama)
have the brain power to successfully handle the U.S.
economy. Even during former President Barack Obama's
time in office, with Biden as his Vice President,
they had many financial failures."

President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden
sleeping with a crackpipe in his mouth
Now, 5-weeks later the FBI and
Secret Service discover cocaine in the White House.
During Obama's time and his current illegal term,
cocaine is the drug of choice in that circle,
especially with crackhead Hunter Biden, who is Joe's
White Powder, Presumed to Be Cocaine, Found in
West Wing
Monday, 03 July 2023 09:31 PM EDT -
A white powder was found in the White House's West
Wing on Sunday, prompting an emergency hazardous
material call to the Washington, D.C., fire
department, a U.S. Secret Service (USSS) source told
The substance is now in a lab for
further analysis, but it is believed to be cocaine,
a source told White House correspondent James Rosen.
Reports had indicated the substance was believed to
be cocaine hydrochloride, a hazardous material that
is often used as a local anesthetic. When reached
for an official comment, the USSS declined. "The
Secret Service does not comment on an on-going
investigation," an email to Newsmax read.
Hunter Biden
Smoked Crack Cocaine In Rehab With $75,000 His Dad President Joe Biden
Gave Him (Video)
Former Female Aide Of Joe Biden
Backed Up By Family, Friends And Campaign Co-worker Regarding
Allegations He Sexually Assaulted Her And Is Unfit To Be President
Joe Biden Habit Of Inappropriately Touching, Sniffing And Kissing Women
Without Permission Turns Into A Political Scandal
President Joe Biden's Crack Addicted
Son Hunter Biden In Trouble Again For Racial Slurs And Human Trafficking
Presidential Candidate Joe Biden's
Son Hunter Biden Being Investigated By The Child Porn Squad At The FBI
Joe Biden Is
A Power Hungry Criminal From The Obama
Administration Following A Movie Script
Joe Biden Tax Plan Slammed And
Debunked On '60 Minutes' Confirming Previous Site Claims
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