Former President Donald Trump Has
Made Over $7,000,000 Off His Mugshot
August 30. 2023

Former President Donald Trump's mug shot
In his zeal to arrest former
President Donald Trump for leading in the polls,
President Hoe Biden, refused to listen to senior
Democrats in his party who warned the release of a
mugshot is a bad idea. However, as Biden had already
arrested top rival Trump three times and he still
kept beating him in the polls anyway, Biden decided
to release a mugshot with the hope it would damage
Trump with the public. Instead it resulted in memes
and funny videos in favor of Trump (like the one

Joe Biden looking too feeble and crazy to be
President of the United States
Releasing the mugshot also resulted
in Trump campaigning off the photo and raising over
$7,000,000 and counting. Once again, another
indictment of Trump has backfired. It is so
embarrassing that any politician has repeatedly
arrested their top rival in attempts at blocking him
from winning an election. It sends a terrible
message of corruption, weakness, incivility and
pathetic failure. You shouldn't have to resort to
such disgraceful tactics to try to win an election.
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