Entertainer Stole And
Plagiarized The Papers Of Scientist Then Submitted
Them As Her Own Work To Fraudulently Obtain A
Healthcare Degree She Did Not Earn
June 29. 2022

Cap and diploma (Photo courtesy of
A female entertainer recently
bragged about graduating from university. She and
her manager sent out press releases about it.
However, what she did not publicly state is, as she
is not that bright, she was having trouble with the
science portion of her healthcare degree, which was
stuck for a long time.
The entertainer and her manager
decided to resort to stealing the papers of a
scientist and unlawfully submitting them as her own
work, in acts of "academic dishonesty" forbidden in
U.S. colleges. Her manager, a former drug dealer,
illegally procured the papers and she brazenly
plagiarized them.
This is not only a civil violation
of the law, it is also a criminal one due to how the
papers were procured. The two are going to get in
legislative trouble over their criminal conduct.
Under the law the school can rescind the degree for
committing such criminal fraud and "academic
So, now a woman has fraudulently
graduated, who does not know or understand the
academic contents and disciplines in her healthcare
degree, which is dangerous for public health. That's
how malpractice lawsuits happen...when unskilled
people who did not earn their degree go into the
workplace and don't know what to do. This is
standard Hollywood misbehavior. They want money,
credit and accolades they did not earn and resort to
criminal fraud to obtain it. That's despicable.
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