Kim Kardashian
Failed The Baby Bar Exam Again
June 11. 2021

Kim Kardashian
Reality star and airhead, Kim
Kardashian, has failed the baby bar exam again, in
her crooked, dishonest quest to become a lawyer
without going to university. In America one must go
to university for 4-years (or 2 and ˝ years
accelerated) then attend law school for 3-years to
become a proper, well trained attorney.
has found a shortcut that exists in California, where
one can bypass 7-years of university and simply
intern at a law firm. I highly doubt Kardashian was
even interning for the 2-years, as she lives roughly
3-hours away from the law firm that accepted her
money to intern there.
This week items online revealed
Kardashian complained about failing the baby bar
exam again, as shown on the series finale of her
family’s reality show “Keeping Up With The
Kardashians.” I did not watch the program, but sites
are reporting she failed again, which is not a good
sign when you think of the fact she skipped
university and law school. She also speaks like an
idiot, indicating a lack of intelligence.
You can cut a law student slack if
they fail the baby bar, as at least they went to
university for 7-years and made an effort. Not to
mention, some people just don’t test well. However,
when you witness someone take severe shortcuts to
attain an achievement they did not earn, it’s foul.
Kardashian is one of the worst
role models in Hollywood. She became famous with no
talent, off a leaked sex tape. Then she kept posing
nude and semi-nude, while stealing many people’s
copyrighted and trademarked products she slapped her
name on, via rip offs she and her mother, the very
greedy Kris Jenner, unlawfully stole from others.
Kardashian is unintelligent. She
needed to go to university, then law school. The
process is there for a reason. Some people are
naturally bright and can speed through school and
university, even skipping grades and taking
accelerated classes. Kardashian is not one of them.
Kim Kardashian Failed The Bar Exam
After Taking Massive Shortcut In An Attempt At Becoming A Lawyer
Kim Kardashian Is Attempting To Unethically Buy A Law License