Department Of Justice Files Court Motion Asking
Judge To Throw Out Wrongful Termination Lawsuit Of Former FBI Deputy
Director Andrew McCabeNovember 6. 2019

Andrew McCabe
Bitter betty Andrew McCabe, who is the former deputy
director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), sued his
former employers and its parent agency, the Department of Justice
(DOJ), after being fired for criminal misconduct. McCabe filed a
wrongful termination lawsuit, seeking millions in undeserved
The Department of Justice has filed a motion in
court asking the judge to throw out McCabe's case stating, "In the
FBI, a lofty position does not lessen the need to abide by the
ideals memorialized in its motto of fidelity, bravery, integrity.
Mr. McCabe’s actions here fell short of that bar."
The U.S. Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who
investigated McCabe, stated of the disgraced former FBI official in
a report, "We concluded that McCabe lacked candor on four separate
occasions in connection with the disclosure to the WSJ."
McCabe broke the law when he was deputy director. He
leaked classified documents and misappropriated taxpayer money to
egregious degrees. McCabe is the man who outrageously spent
$70,000 in taxpayer money on a table for himself, which is
inexcusable. He then ordered FBI employees to hide it from Congress,
by unlawfully redacting his financial crime as classified.
McCabe also sent FBI agents and informants to commit
crime on his behalf and other of other criminals at the agency and
in Corporate America (The FBI Criminally Violating The Constitution And Wasting Taxpayer Money
In Spying On Innocent People In Their Homes For Profit).
The fact of the matter is McCabe is a criminal. He
has broken the law in a number of ways. He was supposed to be
serving the public at the FBI, but only served himself and to great
financial degrees at the taxpayers' expense. McCabe is also a bully
and thug.
This is the type of behavior worthy of the highest
censure and imprisonment. If a civilian member of the public behaved
as McCabe did they'd be locked up in prison for decades. Once again,
his behavior illustrates the FBI is of the belief they are above the
Andrew McCabe’s Actions at FBI Are What Got Him Fired, DOJ
November 1, 2019, 5:52 PM EDT - Former FBI Deputy
Director Andrew McCabe has only himself to blame for his ouster from
the agency, Justice Department lawyers said in a U.S. court filing
asking a judge to throw out McCabe’s wrongful-termination lawsuit.
“In the FBI, a lofty position does not lessen the
need to abide by the ideals memorialized in its motto” of fidelity,
bravery, integrity, the government’s lawyers said in papers filed
Friday in a federal court in Washington. “Mr. McCabe’s actions here
fell short of that bar.”
McCabe, the No. 2 man at the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, was fired on the eve of his eligibility for
retirement with full benefits in March 2018. Weeks earlier, a
Justice Department inspector general found he’d not been completely
honest about his role in providing information to a Wall Street
Journal reporter about an FBI probe of the Clinton Foundation, the
charitable organization run by former President Bill Clinton and his
daughter, Chelsea...
Lawyers For Disgraced And Hypocritical Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew
McCabe Calls Criminal Investigation Into His Crimes A Waste Of Taxpayer
Money When He Wasted Taxpayer Money
The FBI Criminally Covered The Fact From Congress That Disgraced Deputy
Director Andrew McCabe Spent $70,000 In Taxpayer Money On A Table For
Andrew McCabe Termination From The FBI Costs Him $1.8 Million
Pension He Does Not Deserve Due To Criminal Conduct