Andrew McCabe Termination
From The FBI Costs Him $1.8 Million Pension He Does Not Deserve
Due To Criminal Conduct
March 18. 2018

Andrew McCabe
Reports indicate former FBI Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe, has
lost his $1,800,000 pension, over being fired for criminal misconduct at the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). McCabe made unauthorized disclosures to
the press and repeatedly lied under oath (much like his former boss, FBI
Director, James Comey, who was also fired).
Being terminated for criminal misconduct gives the U.S.
government the right to terminate one's pension. McCabe is fighting back, in
attempting to attack President Trump, but he is in over his head. Considering
the unlawful conduct he engaged in at the FBI, he needs to pipe down lest they
prosecute and throw him in prison. McCabe is free to say whatever he likes, but
he is doing so at his own peril, regarding potential criminal prosecution.

Left to right: former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI
Director Robert S. Mueller and former President Barack Obama
McCabe doesn't deserve a hefty pension, neither does Comey,
after all the FBI failures he was present for at the agency, which left so many
innocent people dead ((FBI Makes Deceitful Claim They Could Not Find School Shooter
Nikolas Cruz 5-Months Ago With Credible Tip From You Tube Page
The FBI Ignored Second Credible Tip That Florida School Shooter
Nikolas Cruz Was Going To Kill Innocent People).
Let's not even talk about former FBI Director, Robert Mueller,
whose criminal negligence (despite credible warnings and tips) allowed various
attacks to happen, killing thousands of innocent people (September 11th, the
London bombings, Boston Marathon Bombing and the Fort Hood terrorist attack,
among others). For more information on these incidents concerning the FBI, see
"Related Articles" links below. You would think that was the worst thing Mueller
did, but oh, he did far worse. Many more died because of Mueller and those in
his circle. Detailed information and evidence regarding it will be released. The
aforementioned men don't deserve pensions, but prison.
Fired FBI deputy Andrew McCabe took detailed memos about
his meetings with Trump - just like ex FBI chief Comey - and has handed them
over to Mueller
McCabe has given special counsel his notes on Trump meetings,
sources say
Mueller team also reportedly interviewed McCabe about Jim Comey's firing
Jeff Sessions fired McCabe late Friday saying he had likely lied under oath
It came just two days before McCabe was due to retire, cancelling his pension
Full government pension was said to be worth about $1.8million
He was involved in Clinton email investigation and Russia meddling probe
Trump rejoiced in his firing and called it 'a great day for Democracy'
Published: 18:22 EDT, 17 March 2018 | Updated: 20:06 EDT, 17
March 2018 - Fired FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe has given Special Counsel
Robert Muller detailed memos on his interactions with President Donald Trump, a
source told the Associated Press. McCabe, who was just fired by the attorney
general on Friday, kept personal memos describing interactions with the
president that are similar to the notes compiled by dismissed FBI chief James
They could factor into the special counsel's investigation into
alleged connections between the Trump campaign and Russia. The handover of the
memos to Mueller was revealed on Saturday by a person with direct knowledge of
the situation who wasn't authorized to discuss the notes publicly and spoke on
condition of anonymity.
McCabe also met in person with members of Mueller's team to be
interviewed about Comey's firing, although the timing of the interview wasn't
clear, Axios reported citing a source. On Friday, McCabe said his firing was
part of the president's 'war' on the FBI and that he was only shown the door
because he could back up what Comey previously claimed about the president's
alleged interference with the Russia probe.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that an internal DOJ and FBI
investigation had suggested that McCabe committed a number of transgressions,
including 'lack of candor' under oath - a serious ethical violation for an FBI
official and potentially a criminal violation...
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