Congress Debates Who To Give Stimulus Funds To
In New Round Of Financial Relief
February 12. 2021

Congress debating whether to place a income limit on
people who are slated to receive the next stimulus check. I have no
idea why this subject needs debate. Why give a stimulus check to the
rich or those in the middle class able to pay their bills.
If someone makes over $60,000 per year and is still
employed at said pay grade, they should not receive a stimulus
check, in order to get more money into the hands of the poor,
disabled and unemployed. Why run up the deficit to help the rich.
The rich already received the $1,3 trillion tax cut
that I advised against from day one, as the money is needed
elsewhere in the economy. They don't need the financial help. I
maintain, as I have stated for months throughout this pandemic, help
the poor, disabled and unemployed.
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