Congress Passes Second Stimulus Bill That Has Americans Angry
Over Paltry HelpDecember 21. 2020

Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell are being slammed by
Americans on social networking
The U.S. Congress has passed a $900 billion dollar stimulus bill
and within it is a paltry amount of help for everyday Americans.
Eligible Americans will receive a one time $600 check. Americans are
raising heck on social networking over the insultingly small figure
in light of the fact other nations have done far better for their

Item on Twitter slamming Congress over lack of economic relief
for working class American taxpayers
Many nations of the world have been giving their
citizens at least $1,200 per month in relief. During this 10-month
pandemic the U.S. government have given the American people $1,200,
which was grossly insufficient. America has the highest rise in
homelessness of any nation as a result of inadequate pandemic relief
funds. However, large corporations in America made out like a
bandit. That’s where most of the tax dollars went.
Nancy Pelosi Playing Hardball With
The President Over Stimulus Checks Costs The Democrats Seats In The 2020
U.S. Elections
Report Confirms Stimulus Funds
Earmarked For Small Businesses Overwhelmingly Went To Large Corporations