Congress Announces Plans To Curb The FBI's
Illegal Spying But Will It Stop The Abuses By The
Lawless Law Enforcement Agency...
November 21. 2023

FBI Director Christopher Wray
The FBI is in trouble again in
Congress, but as usual it will be a slap on the
wrist, and then back to crime as usual, until those
devils at the federal agency destroy America. The
FBI has been criminally spying on Americans and
people in the international community in sick ways.
The FBI has been spying on people in their homes, on
their phone lines, and in their computers, cars,
hotel rooms and businesses. These are sick and
perverse human rights abuses.
America is supposed to have the
right to privacy in one's home, but the FBI
disagrees, as they are spying on people in their
homes via audio and visual means like a bunch of
dirty perverts, who are voyeurs (Wikileaks
Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government
Documents Showing The CIA And FBI Are Spying On
People In Their Homes Via Hacking Smart TVs And
Backdoors In Computer And Phones Operating
System Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site
Claims and
The FBI Caught Engaging In Warrantless And
Unconstitutional Surveillance Again That Criminally Violated The Privacy Of 3.4
Million People In America Which Confirms Previous Site Claims).
For the record, voyeurism via
secretly spying on others in their homes and hotel
rooms, is a sick sexual dysfunction found among sex
offenders, such as those with paraphilic disorders.
Therefore, it speaks volumes that the FBI is doing
America is also supposed to have
freedom of the press. However, the FBI has been
spying on, bullying, harassing and intimidating the
press (New Scandal Erupts Regarding The FBI And Justice Department Monitoring
Calls Of AP Reporters Confirming Previous Site Claims).
The FBI has even called press outlets threatening
them to remove unflattering stories that were
completely lawful. Some who did not comply saw their
articles hacked and removed by the FBI in criminal
violation of U.S. law. So much for free speech when
the nation is being run by a Nazi SS police force
(the FBI).
Congress received a report from the
U.S. House of Representatives regarding the FBI
routinely violating privacy laws in America.
Congress is stating these abuses need to be reined
in. The irony is in the future world governments are
going to take Congress to task over the FBI, giving
the legislature one option, and that's shutting down
the FBI.
US Congress Report Calls for Privacy Reforms
After FBI Surveillance ‘Abuses’
Nov 16, 2023 12:38 PM - A new report
by an oversight committee in the US House of
Representatives says the FBI has routinely violated
rules governing FISA’s Section 702 surveillance
program and must be reined in. Representative Mike Turner, a
Republican from Ohio and chairman of the House
Intelligence Committee, during an interview on
Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on Monday, November
6, 2023.Photograph: Al Drago/Getty Images
A report compiled by the Republican
majority members of the US House Intelligence
Committee says that agents of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation should be required under the law to
obtain a “probable cause warrant” before scouring
the database of a controversial foreign intelligence
surveillance program for information related to
domestic crimes.
The Section 702 program, authorized
under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA),
has a history of being abused by the FBI, the
Intelligence Committee says, necessitating a
“complete review” of the program and “the enactment
of meaningful reforms.”
The program, which targets the
communications of foreigners overseas with the
compulsory assistance of US telecom providers, has
been the target of significant scrutiny on Capitol
Hill, with federal lawmakers frequently airing
concerns about its capacity to be turned against the
American public, whose texts, emails, and internet
calls are collaterally intercepted by the US
National Security Agency in unknown quantities each
Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government
Documents Showing The CIA And FBI Are Spying On
People In Their Homes Via Hacking Smart TVs And
Backdoors In Computer And Phones Operating
System Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site
Elon Musk And Missouri Attorney
General Eric Schmitt Expose FBI Corruption Regarding The Law Enforcement
Agency Meddling In And Controlling Twitter Which Confirms Previous Site
The FBI Caught Engaging In Warrantless And
Unconstitutional Surveillance Again That Criminally Violated The Privacy Of 3.4
Million People In America Which Confirms Previous Site Claims
The FBI Corruptly Raids The Campaign
Of New York Mayor Eric Adams Based On Email Copyright They Illegally
Accessed And Unlawfully Used Confirming Previous Site Claims
The FBI Caught Spying On Congress
Confirming Previous Site Claims
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