Cancer And CovidNovember 16. 2020

Coronavirus (Covid-19) has resulted in some people
overdoing it in their use of household cleaners and disinfectants.
Some have died from ingesting bleach and industrial strength
hydroxycholorquine [FDA Revokes Emergency Use Of
Hydroxychloroquine For Coronavirus (Covid-19)].
Household cleaners and disinfectants are not meant
for use on or in the human body. They are meant to clean surfaces.
People are not to spray themselves with Lysol or Dettol (or any
cleaner in said family of household products) as they can lead to
blindness and poisoning (be careful of these substances entering the
body through your feet, even while walking barefoot in your home). They are also carcinogens, which means
they can produce cancer in humans.
People should also be careful using these products
to clean surfaces where food is placed (such as countertops) as they
can contaminate food and make you sick (and over time lead to
cancer). Ingesting bleach through an orifice of the body or placing
it on the skin as a disinfectant is also inadvisable, as it can lead
to death.
Do not wash your clothes with Lysol or Dettol as
they are carcinogens. They are not meant to be used as a detergent
or in addition to one during or after the wash. Additional care should be used regarding
fabric softeners, as some can lead to cancer and serious skin
irritations that resemble rashes associated with lupus.
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As Previously Stated On The Site
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With The Reopening Of Schools As Previously Predicted On The Site
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Site Claims About Safety Issues
Coronavirus Vaccines In Trouble As Participant In
Research Trial Becomes Seriously Ill Confirming Previous Site Claims
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Coronavirus Damages The Heart Confirming Previous Site Claims
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From Coronavirus Since School Reopening In America Confirming Previous
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Second Time And Worse Than Before Confirming Previous Site Claims
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President Trump Was Suffering From
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Confirming Previous Site Claims