Britney Spears Spotted Looking
Disheveled After Her Remaining Fans Inappropriately Attacked Her
Family Online Over Her Being Committed To A Psychiatric Facility
April 25. 2019

Fans are upset by Britney Spears disheveled and
haggard appearance, voicing this view on social networking
Some of pop singer Britney Spears' remaining fans on
social networking have clearly been influenced by her severe mental
illness and are behaving in a mentally ill manner as well. They've
floated unbalanced conspiracy theories online that Spears is not
mentally ill, is being drugged up with psychiatric meds by doctors
on her family's orders, her father locked her away to control and
steal her money as conservator, and she has been kidnapped and
involuntarily committed.
While it is true Spears did not want to be committed
again, her father did insist on it because she experienced another
massive psychotic break due to family and career troubles. Her
father became deathly ill due to a ruptured colon. Spears music and
ticket sales are also in severe decline. 37-year-old Spears, who was
primarily known for her dancing and raunchiness as a teen pop star,
has been replaced by younger pop singers.
The stressfulness of her psychiatric condition,
family troubles and career problems, have dramatically aged Spears
in a short space of time, via premature wrinkling and facial
sagging, which she is very conscious of in many ways. She also lost
a lot of hair from stress, excessive styling for public appearances
and the side effects of the many psych meds.
Spears has undergone a number of plastic surgery
procedures trying to look young again, but they have altered her
appearance in an unnatural way. This coupled with the fact Spears
has developed a tolerance for the 10-drug cocktail of psych meds
prescribed to keep her schizophrenia under control, she was sent
back to a psychiatric ward for treatment.
Prior to this incident, some of Spears fans
approached me on Twitter with insane statements. They tried to make
it out that everyone else is crazy and Britney is sane (which is a
sign of mental illness in them). First of all, said fans behaving in
this manner are too heavily invested in the life of someone they do
not know and have no connection to, which is not healthy.

Britney Spears
Secondly, attacking her sick dad and sister online,
by posting abusive, slanderous items about and at them on social
networking, is plum out of order. Once again, you do not know them.
You have no connection to them. You do not know what is going on
behind the scenes. I can testify firsthand that
I've witnessed Spears do very mentally ill things. I've been
alarmed by her behavior behind the scenes (and that of others in the
same sick Hollywood sect she belongs to). Some very sick stuff
happened on her end. She needs help (as do the rest of that
Hollywood sect).
Make no mistake, Spears needs the psychiatric drugs.
You as fans, who know nothing about medicine or science, are plum
out of order, trying to insanely override medical doctors with
degrees, who prescribed psychiatric meds, because she met the mental
illness criteria. They don't prescribe that caliber of psychiatric
drugs for fun. They prescribe them because there is a serious
Once again, Spears is schizophrenic. People
suffering from schizophrenia get into rages and attack others. A
number of schizophrenics have committed murder, killing those
closest to them. Years ago, Spears was already brought in by
police, strapped to a gurney while having a massive psychotic break,
as she shook and bit her toddler, while holding him and his young
brother hostage during a custody stand off with cops. Those are the
acts of a very mentally ill person. She also physically attacked
paparazzi, as well as members of her staff and made very insane
comments to them.
Stop trying to normalize what is dangerous, mentally
ill behavior that presents a violent risk to others. You need to
desist with the Free Britney drive, lest your petitioning allows
that to happen and leads to a very mentally ill person, Spears,
wandering the streets again with no medication or supervision. It
won't end well.
Britney Spears Conservatorship To Be Reevaluated And She Wants To Come
Off The Antipsychotic Medications Keeping Her From Harming Others
Britney Spears Checked In To Psychiatric Ward Again For Mental Illness