Britney Spears Checked In To Psychiatric Ward Again
For Mental Illness
April 4. 2019

Britney Spears
This is a follow up to the November 9, 2018 article "Britney Spears Conservatorship To Be Reevaluated And She Wants To Come
Off The Antipsychotic Medications Keeping Her From Harming Others."
Britney Spears, has been checked into a psychiatric facility
again, confirming my claims 5-months ago that she is still very
much mentally ill and the conservatorship should not end.
A handful of unbalanced people on social networking, who are
fans of the violent singer, Spears, who was detained by police
for biting and shaking her son in a custody standoff with
authorities, and in a separate incident shaving her head and
attacking paparazzi with an umbrella, have tried to paint
Spears' mental state as normal, when her mind is gone.
They've tried to paint her mental illness as normal, while
calling sane people crazy for daring to state she is mentally
unwell. These behaviors are dangerous to the mentally ill and
society as a whole, as it encourages people to think mental
illness does not need to be medically treated and others should
mimic that destructive, dangerous state of mind.
The fact of the matter is Spears needs permanent medical
supervision. I've had experiences regarding Spears' twisted
label Sony Music and seen the sick, dangerous, behind the scenes
things Britney and the Kabbalah cult she belongs to do. They are
extremely mentally ill and pose a danger to the public. That's
not a form of mental illness that disappears. It's schizophrenia
and currently listed in medical journals as incurable.
Britney Spears Checks Into Mental Health Facility
April 3, 2019 1:48PM PT - Britney Spears has
checked into a psychiatric facility after suffering from
emotional distress, a source confirms to Variety. The 37
year-old singer was admitted over a week ago, as first reported
by TMZ, and is expected to remain in treatment for a month.
Spears has been troubled over the past year by her father’s
health crisis. Jamie Spears recently underwent a second surgery
to fix a ruptured colon...
Spears’ mental issues date back to 2007 when the
pop star infamously shaved her head and attacked the paparazzi
with an umbrella. She later checked into the psych ward at
UCLA’s Medical Center.