Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson
Exposed To Coronavirus Again And Is In Self-Isolation
November 17. 2020

Boris Johnson
Britain's prime minister, Boris Johnson,
has gone into self-isolation again, after being exposed
to the deadly coronavirus (Covid-19) for a second time
this year. Johnson's office stated he has not contracted
the virus again, which nearly killed him 7-months ago (Reports Confirm Obesity And
Compromised Immune System Linked To Severity Of Coronavirus Infections
As Previously Stated On The Site).
Johnson was hospitalized in April 2020
and for a time it was touch and go. Doctors had prepared
a speech to announce his death to the nation and the
world. However, he survived. Johnson's recent exposure
to the virus came from coming into contact with fellow
Conservative Party member, Lee Anderson, who has tested
positive for the virus. Johnson's representatives state
he has not tested positive again and is "showing no
symptoms" of having the virus for a second time.
Considering the severe damage the virus
did to Johnson's immune system when he contracted
coronavirus, that it nearly brought him to the point of
death (he was not asymptomatic and virulently ill), he
would be well-advised to do all he can to avoid
contracting Covid-19 a second time (Another Person Contracts Coronavirus For The
Second Time And Worse Than Before Confirming Previous Site Claims
Man In Hong Kong Contracts
Coronavirus For A Second Time Confirming Previous Site Claims).
British PM Johnson self-isolating after COVID-19
Sunday, 15 November 2020 22:30 GMT -
LONDON, Nov 15 (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris
Johnson is self-isolating after coming into contact with
someone who tested positive for COVID-19, a fresh
setback after infighting among his top advisers plunged
Downing Street into chaos last week.
Johnson, who was admitted to intensive
care in a London hospital earlier this year with the
novel coronavirus, is well and does not have any
symptoms, a spokesman for the prime minister said on
Sunday. "He will carry on working from Downing Street,
including on leading the government's response to the
coronavirus pandemic," the spokesman said. "The prime
minister will follow the rules and is self-isolating."
Johnson met lawmakers in Downing Street
on Thursday, including Lee Anderson, a Conservative
Party member who subsequently developed COVID-19
symptoms and tested positive. The British leader had
been hoping to seize back the initiative after last
week's drama in Downing Street...
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