Behind The Scenes Bisexual Rapper Diddy Thinks
He's A Woman
July 30. 2021

Madonna and Diddy
This week I found out something
troubling about rapper/music producer, Diddy (real
name Sean Combs). Years ago I wrote about an
incident regarding deranged pop singer Madonna,
using Diddy to contact one of my friends, who is a
songwriter, telling him to give his phone number to
me, regarding a music deal. However, I did not take
the number, as I realized Madonna was behind it and
in general I stay away from Hollywood degenerates.
Don't get me wrong, there are
entertainers I respect and admire, such as the late
Aretha Franklin, among others, but she wasn't what I
would call Hollywood or Hollyweird. She also lived
her life in Detroit, Michigan.
Previously on the site, I wrote
about allegations against Diddy by music manager and
cocaine kingpin, James Rosemond, who told U.S.
federal government agents that Diddy has sex with
underage boys (Diddy
Accused Of Having Sex With Underage Boys In Government Investigation).
Rosemond specifically named singer
Usher as one of Diddy's victims, but stating there
were others as well. Usher was 15-years-old at the
time and Diddy was 24-years of age. Usher's mother,
Jonetta Patton, sent him to live with Diddy in New
York when he was working on the then-teen singer's
debut album. That was a mistake. Rosemond told
federal agents under the penalty of perjury that
Diddy preyed on a then underage Usher, grooming and
engaging in unlawful sexual activity with him.
However, as the FBI routinely covers
up the sick pedophilia crimes of famous people,
which is prevalent in Hollywood, Diddy was never
indicted or arrested (The FBI Slammed On Social Networking
For Covering For Pedophile Larry Nassar Allowing Him To Continue
Sexually Abusing USA Gymnasts As Young As Age 8 And Molesting New
Underage Victims) AND FBI Agent Whistleblower States FBI
Officials Ordered Him To Delete All Evidence Hillary Clinton Connected
Congressman Anthony Weiner Is A Pedophile Sexually Pursuing A
15-Year-Old Girl AND
The FBI Has Been Covering For Famous Pedophiles In Hollywood For Years
Since The Time Of Robert Mueller).
The U.S. government, namely Barack
Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary and Bill Clinton,
also covered for rapists such as Harvey Weinstein,
until the mainstream press denounced him after my
article exclusives exposed his sick criminal
behavior (Harvey Weinstein's Fall From Grace As Sexual Harassment And
Charity Fraud Claims Surface and
Harvey Weinstein Sued By The State Of New York Attorney General
For Committing Civil Rights Violations and
Harvey Weinstein Tosses Walker After
Being Found Guilty Of Rape And Sexual Assault).
So, Diddy has remained free, just
like R. Kelly did for decades due to FBI corruption,
until the documentary "Surviving
R Kelly" globally shamed the U.S. government
into action. People all over the world were publicly
asking online and in news pieces how the government
could let something so sick fester for decades,
harming so many young girls.
What has also been a great help to
Hollywood pedophiles, such as
Bryan Singer, who likes to rape underage
boys in the pool at his Los Angeles mansion, and
Madonna, who likes to engage in sexual activity with
underage teens (such as her former manager's
16-year-old relative), is California member of
Congress, Nancy Pelosi, who for years has impeded
investigations into Hollywood stars criminal
behavior. Hollywood is in California, where Pelosi
is in government and she has strong ties to many
I was told by a very credible source
that Pelosi is one of the main ones in government
blocking investigations into Hollywood stars'
criminal behavior. A credible source even revealed
to me that Hollywood perverts have been bragging
that Pelosi stated they "must be protected" from
prosecution. Pelosi is putting the con in Congress.
I predict prominent, large world
governments are going to come down on Congress like
a ton of bricks in the future over Hollywood's sick
behavior, which has also extended into other
countries, harming innocent people, including
children. And my exclusives and predictions
constantly prove true.
Diddy has also been publicly accused
of coercing 1990s R&B singer/actor, Christopher
Williams, into perform oral sex on him for a music
development deal, which later went wrong. Williams
was signed to the late Andre Harrell's Uptown
Records, where Diddy worked before forming his label
Badboy. A former employee of the music producer
stated she walked in on Christopher Williams and
Diddy in his office during the sex act, and he
became enraged at her.
Williams, who was in a relationship
with Stacey Dash, lost the love of his life when
dirty, foul, ugly, muscled up Madonna began stalking
him in the industry. Madonna got Williams involved
in orgies, where he was unwisely having sex with
five women at a time (by his own admission) which is
mentally, spiritually and emotionally destructive.
All these men Madonna pursued in the
industry and got them involved in her nastiness and
madness, ended up mentally and emotionally damaged
in everyway, struggling to function after being
exposed to her insanity, filth and old world occult
debauchery (Christopher Williams, Bobby Brown,
Vanilla Ice, Dennis Rodman, Tupac, Devante Swing of
Jodeci, Lenny Kravitz, and Big Daddy Kane, among
Diddy did highly questionable things
to become rich and famous, engaging in Hollywood
cult behavior, such as sex with minors and occult
pacts. Since that time nothing but death,
destruction and devastation has plagued Diddy's
I was recently informed that behind
the scenes, Diddy, who like Madonna had deals with
Warner Bros, and is in her Hollywood cult Kabbalah,
now thinks he is a woman. Hollywood has destroyed
Diddy's mind. The top psychiatrists in the world
have stated it is biologically impossible to change
one's sex.
However, mentally ill Hollywood is
pushing the unscientific and medically erroneous
premise that some people were born the wrong sex or
as both sexes. Hollywood is also insanely pushing
the erroneous madness there are more than two sexes.
Hollywood is eroding the public's mental health.
There exists a high suicide rate
among transgender people. Cutting off one's sex
organs and taking medicines to change the hormonal
composition of one's body promotes cancer and
suicidality. Their chemical levels are so out of
whack from trying to change their sex via surgery
and medication not made for said purpose, the body
begins to malfunction and rebel.
Hollywood Cult Tried To Kill Diddy's
Son Christian Combs In Act Of Attempted Vehicular Homicide
Model And The Mother Of Diddy’s Children Kim Porter Found Dead From A
Heart Attack