Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In
Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)
July 25. 2024

Hollywood is a cesspool of sick behavior
The career of Hollywood actor Armie Hammer went up in
smoke when it was discovered he is a cannibal who assaulted women.
Hammer's wife divorced him, his agent and manager dropped him, and many
others scrambled to distance themselves from him. However, he is not the
only cannibal in Hollywood. There are people in Hollywood who
participate in sick acts known as "spirit cooking." They consume others
bodily fluids, among other things, in food, which is sick.
However, there is a horrible secret being hushed up in
Hollywood regarding certain famous, high profile cultists, who
participate in "spirit cooking." They are engaging in cannibalism. The
worst part is African children were brutally killed as sacrifices,
roasted, and consumed by said Hollywood stars in their sick, deranged
cult rituals. They all need to be locked up for these sick crimes
against children. These vile, child abusing pedophiles in Hollywood
engaging in cannibalism in said cult, are connected to now incarcerated
Ghislaine Maxwell and her fellow pedophile, the late Jeffrey Epstein.
Human Rights Group Files Formal
Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions
In Africa
Disgraced Hollywood Actor And
Cannibal Armie Hammer Perversely Stated In Messages That Women Are
Offering To Let Him 'Eat Pieces Of Them'
Hollywood Actor Armie Hammer Exposed
As A Cannibal Physically Abusing Women And Threatening To Strangle His
Dog To Death
"Quiet On The Set" Documentary
Blasts The Pedophile Culture At Hollywood Studio Nickelodeon (Video)
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