Actress Lori Loughlin And Her Husband Mossimo
Giannulli Facing 60-Years In Prison For Refusing To Take Plea Deal
In College Admissions ScandalNovember 5. 2019

Mossimo Giannuli (left) and Lori Loughlin (center)
at the beginning of the case
Things are going from bad to worse for actress Lori
Loughlin and her husband, designer Mossimo Giannulli. In February, I
advocated the couple take a plea deal from the government in the
U.S. college admissions scandal, where they were caught issuing a
$500,000 bribe to get their daughters into the University of
Southern California (USC).
For their refusal to take the plea deal, the
government recently upped the charges against the couple to
conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and honest services mail
and wire fraud, conspiracy to commit federal programs bribery, and
conspiracy to commit money laundering.
Previously, the couple were facing a potential
5-years in prison if convicted of the charges. They Daily Mail UK is
reporting the couple are now potentially facing 60-years in prison.
Fellow actress
Felicity Huffman took the plea deal in the scandal and
only served 11-days in jail. Loughlin and Giannuli should have done
the same. They will lose millions in legal fees and lost work in
fighting the government on this case, where the couple is clearly in
the wrong. They aren't up on murder charges. It's only a few days in
jail. They should just serve the short sentence and put the whole
episode behind them.
The problems arose when Giannulli wanted his
daughters to attend the prestigious University of Southern
California and decided to buy their way into the school. He
similarly did not get into the college of his choice when he was
young. He blew off college and used the school money his dad gave
him to start a business. Based on items in the press, he believed
his daughters could fake their way through the University of
Southern California, as he has faked his way through other things in

Lori Loughlin outside the courthouse after charges were increased
The described behavior in the case is outright
fraud, as the couple had one of their daughters, Olivia Jade,
pretend to be an expert rower, with staged photographs accompanying
her fraudulent application to the school. Olivia Jade had never
rowed a day in her life and her admission deprived an actual athlete
with good grades, of the spot at the university, where said
individual could have become a doctor or lawyer.
Olivia Jade did not apply herself in high school,
opting to party. Fellow students stated she was rarely in class. She
did not have good grades or high SAT scores. In listening to her
speak, she is into superficial things, which is not a crime, but to
be at a top U.S. school under false pretenses without the required
intelligence, meant it could lead to disaster down the road,
impacting others. In unethical acts, her parents decided to buy her
a spot at a top national university, which she does not exhibit the
intellect to be enrolled in.
I do not advocate people being given university
spots or jobs they did not earn and are unqualified to hold. It sets
a dangerous precedent and pattern in society, which can open the
floodgates, hindering human development and achievement on a global
scale. It can result in unqualified people becoming doctors,
scientists, lawyers, judges and teachers, among other things, then
dangerously and negatively impacting society, because their
intelligence level does not match the rigors of their post.
Can you imagine being operated on by a doctor,
without the required intelligence such a post would warrant, all
because his rich family bought his way into and through university,
paying people to do his homework, then bought his medical license.
Innocent, trusting patients could end up seriously injured or dead
in preventable incidents.

Lori Loughlin (center) and daughters Olivia Jade
(left) and
Isabella (right)
In a somewhat similar case, I read about fake,
unqualified doctor, Carlos Hernandez Fernandez, who had questions
surrounding his alleged university degree. Turns out he was licensed
as a surgical assistant, not a trained doctor, which is a big
difference. He ended up in criminal trouble (under arrest), because
he sexually assaulted people and performed facelifts and tummy tucks
at his plastic surgery office in Colorado, without administering
anesthesia on some of the patients.
One woman who came forward described being in
excruciating pain. She is now scarred for life. He cut her like she
was a piece of meat. It wasn't the clean, neat, precise, proper and
minimal incision trained surgeons would utilize, which would reduce
scarring and potential hemorrhaging. It was jagged, crisscrossed and
ugly. There was no way that was going to heal well. Yet, not
thinking ahead, he decided to do it anyway.
There is a reason (prospective and potential)
doctors have to be of a certain intelligence level (as illustrated
by high test scores) to be admitted to university and then medical
school, where they must have the mental capacity to receive,
understand and absorb the proper training (and for years of
schooling). There are jobs in this world that are complicated and
necessitate high intelligence levels. If unqualified and unlearned
people obtain those positions, it will result in disasters and human
Can you imagine a world leader being questionably
admitted to an Ivy League school that is extremely above his low
mental capacity, then using his rich dad's connections again and
said degree he could not have earned as he is unintelligent, to
become president. I mean, he could go on to start an illegal,
deceitful war that kills thousands of soldiers and millions of
civilians, all over something he knew to be a lie, but not thinking
ahead, decided to do it anyway (College Admission Scandal See Hollywood Actresses Felicity Huffman And
Lori Loughlin Facing Prison).
Side Bar: I see this crazy misconduct
in Hollywood all the time. They fake just about everything. They
routinely take credit for things they did not do or earn
(intellectual property theft). They buy their way into places they
do not belong via stolen wealth, as they did not do the hard work to
earn it. They see other people doing things of note and determine if
that person can do it, so can they because they are famous, but
attempt to do so without the actual hard work, intellect and
schooling required.
They play roles on television or in movies, then
walk off the set when it wraps thinking and acting like they have
the abilities of the fictional characters they played (doctors,
scientists, lawyers, judges, superheroes). It's mental illness.
There are nutty Hollywood stars, who have dispensed
medical advice to people in real life, because had a role where they
played a doctor, nurse or scientist. These stars are coddled and
given special treatment on a regular basis, then start to think they
can have whatever they want (even if it doesn't belong to them) and
do anything they feel like (without the required hard work and
training). The insanity needs to stop.
You see it in the insane conduct of Hollywood stars
like Madonna, who went and spoke at a university once, but put out
crazy press releases calling herself a professor, when she has no
degree or tenure. You see it in the madness of ignorant rapper and
former violent drug dealer, Jay Z, who stated Steve Jobs, Bill Gates
and Warren Buffett are his peers, when those are educated men, who
were accepted to top Ivy League schools. Jay Z doesn't even have a
high school diploma and stole everything he has via criminal
copyright infringement, copyright infringement, fraud, defrauding
people out of their property, not paying people for their labor and
committing massive SEC violations. Once again, the insanity needs to
Lori Loughlin And Husband Mossimo
Giannulli Hit With New Charges In College Admissions Scandal That Could
See Them Spend Many Years In Prison
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Cement, Super Glue And Car Fluid To Create Bigger Butts And
Fuller Cheeks
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Medical Clinic Arrested Again On $35,000 Fraud
Felicity Huffman 14-Day Jail Sentence Slammed On Social Networking As
Too Lenient In College Admissions Scandal
College Admission Scandal See Hollywood Actresses Felicity Huffman And
Lori Loughlin Facing Prison
Lori Loughlin Taking Dangerous Risk In Pleading Not Guilty In College
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Her Website Goop A Fraud
Prosecutor Warns Actress Lori Loughlin She Is Playing With Fire Refusing
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