Felicity Huffman 14-Day Jail Sentence Slammed
On Social Networking As Too Lenient In College Admissions ScandalSeptember 18. 2019

An embarrassed Felicity Huffman leaving court
Hollywood actress Felicity Huffman, 54, was
sentenced to a paltry 14-days in jail and 250 hours of community
service, due to copping a guilty plea in the U.S. college admissions
scandal. She was also slapped with a $30,000 fine. Huffman paid a
proctor $15,000 to take exams for her teenage daughter, Sophia Grace
Macy, which greatly improved her SAT score. The unearned high score
landed Huffman's daughter undeserved offers from prestigious
Many people on social networking slammed the
decision to let Huffman off so lightly. Others joked about it
turning Huffman into unflattering memes. One of the memes stated
from Huffman's perspective, "If only Black and Latinx Americans knew
what it was like to serve 2 weeks for a felony." In America, a
felony can actually land you several years in prison.
'If only Black and Latinx Americans knew what it was like to
serve 2 weeks for a felony': Social media blasts Felicity Huffman's
14-day jail sentence - blaming 'white' and 'rich' privilege for the
Published: 01:38 EDT, 14 September 2019 | Updated:
09:52 EDT, 14 September 2019 - Social media users are fuming after
actress Felicity Huffman was sentenced to 14 days in jail for paying
$15,000 to have her daughter's SAT falsified by a proctor. The
Desperate Housewives star broke down in tears shortly before a
Boston federal judge announced the sentence that accompanied a
$30,000 fine, 250 hours of community service and being placed on a
year's probation.
She was the first high-profile parent to plead
guilty in the college admissions scandal, in her case to one charge
of fraud conspiracy. Huffman claimed it was her 'parental anxiety'
that led her to bribe an official in order to guarantee her daughter
a better SAT test score...
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