Academy Awards And Grammy Awards Ratings Hit An
All Time LowFebruary 12. 2020

Rapist and pedophile movie producer Harvey Weinstein (center) perp walked
in New York
This past Sunday's telecast of the 92nd Academy
Awards, also known as the Oscars, which centers on film, hit an all
time ratings low of 23.6 million people. The previous year's
telecast of the Oscars drew 29.6 million viewers, making the current
decline in viewership staggering and significant.

Movie director Bryan Singer and fellow pedophile Kevin Spacey
It echoes what occurred the month prior with the
Grammy awards, regarding music. The Grammy telecast hit an all time
ratings low of 18.7 million viewers, down from 19.9 regarding the
previous year. The Grammys have been on a steady decline and could
not afford the current loss in viewership.

Pedophile singer R Kelly
The entertainment industry (both the film and music
industries) is currently involved in a number of terrible scandals,
regarding criminal misconduct by stars and executives. The crimes
include pedophilia, rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, hate
crimes, illegal publicity stunts, charity fraud and criminal
copyright infringement. It has undoubtedly impacted ratings. The
steep drop in viewers for both telecasts indicates the country is
turning its back on Hollywood.
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