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Woman Slams Airline For Making Fun Of Her Daughter's Name 'Abcde'

November 29. 2018

Traci Redford and daughter Abcde Redford

Texas woman Traci Redford has slammed Southwest Airlines, regarding an employee making fun of her 5-year-old daughter’s name Abcde. As you can see, Abcde is the first five letters of the alphabet. Redford complained, "The gate agent started laughing, point at me and my daughter, talking to other employees. So I turned around and said, ‘Hey if I can hear you, my daughter can hear you, so I’d appreciate if you’d just stop.'"

Under the circumstances most people are finding it difficult to contain their laughter, due to what Redford named her daughter. The little girl asked why they were making fun of her, which is sad. Abcde is a cute little girl. However, her mother giving her the first five letters of the alphabet as a name and insisting it be pronounced “ab-city” has caused a world of criticism to be piled on her family, including the small child.

For the sake of the child she should change her daughter's name right away before anymore damage is done. If not, the little girl will be mocked and ridiculed her whole life once people hear or read her name. She will have self-esteem issues, lose job opportunities in the future and experience mental health issues from being teased all the time.

People are not going to take her seriously. She will resent her mother’s decision to name her Abcde. It will create mother daughter issues and lead to costly therapy, which can be avoided in this case. She has placed her child at a disadvantage and needs to correct it as soon as possible. People need to be careful of the names they give their children. It can set them up for success or place unnecessary obstacles in their path.


Mother of girl called 'Abcde' vents fury at airline employee who 'laughed at her name'

9 hours ago - A furious mother has accused an airline of mocking her five-year-old daughter for her name which is Abcde. Traci Redford claimed a gate attendant at John Wayne Airport in California laughed and took a picture of Abcde’s boarding pass. The employee even posted the picture on social media, Ms Redford told news channel ABC7. “The gate agent started mocking my child’s name,” Ms Redford said, “pointing and laughing at me and my daughter and talking to other employees. “So I turned around and just said: 'Hey, if I can hear you, my daughter can too – I’d appreciate if you'd just stop.’”




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