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Who Really Killed Bobbi Kristina Brown

March 14. 2018

Whitney Houston and Bobbi Kristina Brown

The late music legend, Whitney Houston, died in 2012 at the early age of 47. Since the time of her death, I have questioned the circumstances surrounding it in articles on this site, as the story does not add up. Houston was found face down in a hotel bathtub in Beverly Hills. The coroner also later wondered out loud, in an interview about Houston, how she ended up face down in the bathtub, publicly pondering how that transpired.

No one takes a bath face down. How did the dead body turn itself over in a narrow bathtub. People who have been deliberately drowned in bathtubs, were subjected to their heads being held under water. To do that you would have to grab the person by the back of the head/hair to gain a steady grip on them. Then they would die face down.

3-years later, Houston’s daughter was found the same way - face down in the bathtub at the Atlanta townhouse she shared with Gordon. Bobbi Kristina was found with bruises on her body, indicating she had been beaten. A garbage can was also found in the tub. There was clearly a struggle. I’ve maintained for the past couple years that I am of the belief Gordon killed Houston and Brown.

2-months ago, one of my credible sources responsible for a few of my 300 exclusives that later proved true, confirmed my suspicions in stating “Hollywood killed Bobbi Kristina.” The Kabbalah cult, headed up by Hollywood lunatic and mafia connected, Madonna, who call themselves the Illuminati, are known for talking about human sacrifices and a lot of celebrities affiliated with them have died early in weird, unexplained ways that stumped police.

For example the late rapper, Tupac, had joined the Kabbalah cult/"Illuminati" while dating Madonna in the 1990s, shortly before his death. Madonna is a deranged, evil person, who was sued for choking an 11-year-old boy. While dating Madonna, Tupac began to rap about the Illuminati on the album "The Don Killuminati."

Tupac also has a song entitled "Killuminati." The term "Killuminati" is a merger of the words "Kill" and "Illuminati." The Hollywood "Illuminati" cult believes in killing people, via commissioning deaths, via private investigators and thugs. The FBI has files on this that they are refusing to release under the Freedom of Information Act.

Tupac dumped obsessive Madonna, who was very angry over it and began to stalk and slam him (she has stalked and terrorized others as well). Shortly after, Tupac was killed in 1996 when someone shot up his car, in an unsolved mystery police have struggled with to this day.

The Hollywood Illuminati erroneously believe in human sacrifices as the way to more wealth and success. They are in the occult. They have publicly talked about being in the occult. They follow the ways of the late, notorious devil worshipper, Aleister Crowley, even quoting him in their music (Madonna, Jay Z). Crowley was a madman that used to sacrifice people to the devil. He wrote sick, satanic books and papers.

The mentally ill Kabbalah cult/Hollywood "Illuminati" worships the devil and uses satanic cult images in their music videos and photos (pentagrams, baphomets). They have released songs glorifying the devil by name. members of the cult who have released items promoting satanic images and lyrics are Madonna, Michael Jackson, Jay Z, Rihanna, Beyonce, Kanye West and Lil Wayne, among others. 

Nick Gordon's second mug shot in the past 9-months for beating up girlfriend Laura Leal

The late singer Michael Jackson had joined the Kabbalah cult. He would wear the cult’s bracelet in photos and public appearances. Jackson was killed by his doctor, Conrad Murray, who overdosed him. I cannot begin to tell you how recklessly irresponsible Murray’s conduct was in giving Jackson such potent pharmaceutical drugs, in such high doses and in such a short time frame (a few hours). What he gave Jackson would take down a horse or elephant.

Any doctor, nurse or scientist would immediately know it would result in a deadly overdose. Yet, Murray did it anyway. Murray’s conduct was so flagrant and outrageous on every level. The prison sentence he received was too short (4-years). The charge should have also included "conspiracy to commit murder."

Jackson feared they would kill him and expressed that view to members of his family. Jackson’s sister Latoya publicly stated, Sony Music, home to many Kabbalah cultists, killed her brother to gain full control of the music catalog he had a 50% stake in.. For years Jackson refused to sell Sony the copyrights and it ruined business deals they wished to undertake without his interference.

Houston was also a Sony Music artist and she did have some copyrights (music and film) that she bequeath to Bobbi Kristina. In Houston’s last days, she was photographed wearing a Kabbalah bracelet. Much like Michael Jackson had begun to do before he was killed. They both died in strange ways.

Houston and daughter Brown also died in the same way, years apart, because that is the murderer’s method of operation (known as M.O.). The man present when both women mysteriously died is psychopath, Nick Gordon. Someone put him up to it. You need to watch Gordon’s appearance on the “Dr. Phil Show.” He is a raging psycho who violently lashes out at people. His mind is gone. He did this.

In closing, they are killing people as human sacrifices and over copyrights. Prince died under strange circumstances too and he had over 4,000 songs that went up for auction after his death. Cult member Jay Z tried to buy Prince catalogue for far less than it is worth, after infringing it upon the singer's death (Prince's Estate Sues Jay Z And Madonna's Tidal For Copyright Infringement and Prince Estate Shuts Down Jay Z’s Cheap Bid To Buy Music Catalog For Far Less Than It Is Worth). Prince died due to someone changing the labels on his prescription medication to the very potent Fentanyl (Mislabeled Fentanyl Pills Found At Prince’s House After His Death From Overdose Indicates He Did Not Know What He Was Taking).

I know firsthand about how ruthless that Hollywood cult is, as they are greedy, vile thieves. They tried to kill me too over my copyrights and more than once, via trying to run me over. After I went public with the story on this site, the FBI/Department of Justice, who had interviewed me twice, played a tape during the criminal trial of Madonna's private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, who is in the mafia, where he was caught on tape talking about running over people with vehicles if he couldn't find any dirt on them via hacking/wiretapping to use for blackmail, but needed to get them out of the way for his famous Hollywood clients. Pellicano privately talked on the tape about how he and people he would hire to run over others with vehicles, bury them in the desert.

Side Bar: It is well documented that some satanic cults believe in human sacrifice, as they falsely think it brings wealth, success and stops disaster from happening. However, that kooky Hollywood cult needs to stop, because it’s not working. The devil has failed you. Madonna is head of that stupid, satanic Hollywood cult and all her albums and singles have been flopping since 2003 when I began calling for boycotts of her so-called work online (LOL).

Madonna hasn’t had a hit in nearly 20-years, people are slamming her everyday on social networking and she fled America after threatening Trump and hearing her fellow cultist Harvey Weinstein whom I exposed and others in her sect were about to be taken down (Brett Ratner and Bryan Singer are in the Kabbalah cult/ Hollywood Illuminati as well).


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Bobbi Kristina Brown's Boyfriend Nick Gordon To Appear On Dr. Phil Show

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